Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Dance

Here is an amazing picture of Andy and me dancing our Mother-Son dance at his wedding last weekend. Everyone keeps asking me..."Aren't you glad it's over?" My answer is no, I had so much fun that it could've went on for days.


  1. That picture is gorgeous!

    (stopping by fron SITS)

  2. That IS an amazing picture! You have such a great blog, found you from SITS! I am having fun reading through your profile and recent posts. I love to meet new bloggers! Looking forward to returning. ;)

  3. I like that the picture is black and white and y'all are in silhouette. So you are in the world of grandchild! Aren't they so much fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I think people watching is also a sport. People are amazing!

  4. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL picture! I just listened to the song your hubby recorded for your 20th anniversary...I have tears streaming down my face! That is the sweetest ever!

  5. What an Amazing Photo!! Thanks for the comment.

  6. What an amazing picture. The photographer was awesome!

  7. What a beautiful photo! I'm sure you'll cherish it forever. Visiting from SITS. Hope you're having a good day!
    pk @ room remix

  8. Awww. that is so sweet and what a sweet way to feel about it too!!

  9. JULES this picture is awesome! It is truly one of my favorite. One that you will cherish for a lifetime. It is moments like this that make life worth while!!I really need to meet the photographer!! LOL xoxo

  10. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL....the photographer truly captured that special mother/son moment!

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  14. Oh Jules...that is priceless and so beautiful. How special:)


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Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...