Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Very Strange

Is this one of the strangest thing you ever saw? My husband makes these every few weeks around here. I don't do any of the grilling so I haven't really taken a good look when he does this.

He takes a can of beer and sticks it up the butt. He puts a potato in its neck. Then grills it until the outside is golden brown. Glamorous isn't it?

This is actually very delicious. The meat is tender and juicy. I guess you just have to not actually see it during the cooking process. Next time I won't look...

I can't believe I actually posted this kind of gross picture.


  1. How funny! I'll never look at Mr. Potato Head in quite the same way ;)

  2. I have heard of this method Jules, and let me be the first to say that it looks as though that chicken has a head growing out of it! Now let me ask you this, does your husband cook his bratwurst in beer before he grills them? He should being from Wisconsin! No one down here does that but my husband. A trick we learned when living up north!
    Love Di

  3. I thought that was a kiwi sticking out of the top! Whats the reason for the potato?

  4. I've heard that beer butt chicken is delicious! What's the purpose of the potato I wonder? Maybe to keep the steam from escaping? Sometimes I feel like I need to cram some potatoes in my keep the steam in. :P

  5. That's so funny! When I was a kid my Dad used to cook some weird stuff every now and then. I came home from school one day and there was an entire pig's head in the kitchen sink. He was going to make posole (a traditional mexican soup). Another time he had a cow's tongue laying on the countertop. Could never get myself to try that because it GROSSED me out!

  6. It's so hilarious looking, but I have heard they are wonderful cooked this way!! I bet it was yummy!

  7. I know! My husband makes this gross yet sooo good. Go figure?

  8. I have never done this but I know people who do it like it's good! ;d

  9. My dad makes chicken this way every once in a while too. It always turns out perfect.


  10. Wierd yes, but I bet that IS tasty. Matt will be impressed. :)

  11. I'd eat it...yum! The nasty looking stuff ALWAYS tastes the best!

  12. I like how Angie S says it: The nasty-lookin' stuff is the yummiest. Isn't that the truth? And .... whenever we don't have to make it, it tastes that much better.

    Thanks for sharing. You have such a fun spirit.

  13. it does look like a kiwi!! my mother in law has done this and it turned out rubbery. I wonder if she did somthing wrong, lol? Ive not been brave enough to try it again. maybe we'll give it another shot ;) xo LA

  14. It does look crazy. Glad it tastes good.

  15. Of course, it is "beer can chicken". I make it all the time, it is delicious. You can also do it on the barbeque. Yummy. Makes me want to cook it. Have a great night.

  16. That is an awesome picture! I am going to get my hubby to bbq one of those! Sounds yummy!

  17. That is a strange looking chicken! But it does look yummy. I've heard good things about beer can chicken.

  18. We cook those in the summertime...we call 'em Beer Butt Chicken. They really are GOOD!

  19. Yeah, it takes a lot to gross me out. But animals that still look like the live animals (other than shrimp) are one of them. I am with you!

  20. I've heard of this kind of chicken. It looks good. I'll have to try it.

  21. It does look gross... but I know that's the way my father-in-law cooks, too, and it's delicious!

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    Confessions From A Working Mom

  22. Around here it is know as beer butt chicken or turkey. I haven't seen it either but it is good!!

  23. I'd think it was strange...but my parents do that! The picture is kind of odd though.

  24. I doesn't look very appetizing or maybe just the words "can of beer up the butt" scare me!
    But I bet it is delish when it is done. Good idea to look away during the cooking process! LOL

  25. I was confused for a bit - but now it makes sense. Haha - I will think of this every time I cook with a whole fryer chicken :o)

  26. Drunk Chicken!! I haven't had this is a while!!

  27. My Dad cooks these! I love it!

  28. That is CRAZY! Only a man would cook like that! I'd be interested to try it - is there much beer left in the can after it's done?


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