Monday, February 15, 2010

Dog Sled Races

Every year the dog sled races run through the back end of our property. We can see them from the house with binoculars but not too well. (we own 100 acres)

Saturday Brian hopped on the snowmobile and drove back to where the sleds came through. It is pretty cool to watch them.

As you can see, it was snowing pretty heavy at this time.

He shot this angle from up in his tree stand for hunting.

I am going to call this week "Through Brian's Eyes." He has been taking pictures for me lately and I am going to share them with you all this week. Be ready for a "different" perspective of life in Wisconsin. I pretty much hibernate for 5 months and he is a total outdoors kind of guy.


  1. Those are great pictures. How neat! I have never seen anything like that in real life. Way cool!

  2. That IS neat-I would love to see it and so would our kids-
    I agree-winter makes me hibernate, and the rest of the fam-hubby and boys-are outside playing football, soccer, snowball fights-Not me!
    (I do go out in it, but complain the whole time....)
    Stay warm!!!

  3. How cool is that!!! So cool! I know what you mean about hibernating for months on end...your not alone. Looking forward to the post.

  4. WOW! how cool! I would be out there in that dang hunting stand like ALL DAY. That has got to be the coolest thing ever having the dog sled racers running through your yard OHmygosh!

  5. I would love to have watched that in person! How fun!!!

  6. oh, I love these pictures. how cool to see that!!! How cool to have them so close!!

  7. Does Brian have room for two in the tree stand, if so call me next time. Good Pics Brian

  8. That is so cool that they run through your property! I love to watch dog races, so exciting. I will look forward to his pictures and you stay warm! Come say hi :D

  9. races in your own backyard...amazing. I'd love that if I new I wouldn't freeze to!

  10. holy cow that is so cool. the thought of living on a 100 acres is just dreamy. so different from the so cal like.
    cool pics. can't wait to see more :O)

  11. Wow, that is really neat! I would love to see that! The pictures are really good, too!

  12. No dang way. Is that even real? I am so looking forward to seeing things from your outdoorsman's eyes. I've NEVER been exposed to the great outdoors like that. It was 72 here today!

  13. What fun. Your home sounds amazing. I will be back soon to see the pictures that are coming... thanks so much for sharing. Lia

  14. Thanks for the cool pictures. I especially love that last picture. Dog Sleds are fun to watch. We had the Apostle Islands Dog Sled Race up here a few weeks ago. We have a family from church who has a dog sled team. They had our youth group out for a day of dogsledding and the kids loved it. I'm trying to learn to like winter more. Getting better boots will help, I'm sure.

  15. My goodness, that is very impressive. I'd love to see that in person.

  16. Wow - I have never seen this before. That is so cool. And they come by every year? Those dogs don't look massive, I would have expected them to be bigger.

  17. Thanks for sharing your husbands pictures! I was wondering where you lived with the races.

  18. So neat. It looks like you have your own Iditarod race going on! That just looks really cool & something I would LOVE to do!

  19. First I have to say that Wisconsin has always been one of my favorite states to visit and I've been all over! Secondly, that would be really neat to see. I be camped out waiting, mostly because I am nosy!
    It will be very interesting to see your husbands view.
    Love Di

  20. oh wow. that is magical. great pictures. i want to go read call of the wild now. :-)

  21. Looks absolutely fab - I want to do it!! I am not sure it will look the same in sand with camels though ;0)

  22. Oh my goodness...that would be so wonderful to watch and see!

  23. How neat! Beautiful pictures!

  24. That is way too cool, and I imagine totally better in person than watching on TV or something.


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Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...