Friday, February 12, 2010

Flashback Friday

Doesn't everyone pose in their jammies in front of the fireplace?

This is again my sister Patti on the left and me on the right. I bet you're all wishing you were my sister so I could post old weird pictures of you.

I don't know what year this was. I am guessing 79 or 80.


  1. You two look like twins. Are you and I missed it somewhere?
    Great pictures.

  2. Oh, I love flashback pics!! You both have the same bright smile. Thanks for sharing! These are great...

  3. I was going to say the same thing as Mimi...maybe it is the gorgeous smile that you both share. Great pictures!

  4. I thought both pics were you at first. I agree with Mimi.

  5. **FOR SALE**
    Sister who loves to blog and embarass her siblings!! Cheap!!

    Just kidding, I love to see the old photos. What were we thinking?

    Love Ya

  6. hehe Your sisters comment cracked me up!

    Anyhoo, I'm sure there are some pictures of me somewhere in my jammies in front of our fireplace!

  7. I have to start doing flashback Fridays because I always look forward to yours! You girls are stinkin' cute!


  8. You gals look so much alike. 80 was the year I was born...

  9. Wow Jules I love your retro photos! My husband bought me a scanner for Valentines Day. I know it doesn't sound romantic but I never would have bought it for myself and he knew I wanted one. He bought me a bracelet too so it's all good. I haven't yet touched the scanner! But maybe seeing your retro photos will give me some incentive!!! Love Di

  10. Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog!

    I'm excited to get to know you...and am becoming a follower right back!

    HAve a great weekend!

  11. YOU HAVE THE SAME SMILES ! I HAVE A SISTER.. i entered us in a FUGLY 90's photo contest... i just broke that news to her... and she's not happy ! !!


  12. I can tell he is your best friend from your pictures!

  13. So what does your sister think of these posts?

    I love your flashback posts. They are always so funny. And you always look so happy.

  14. I DO have a bunch of pictures of me wearing pj's in front of the fireplace..........when I was young!

  15. I think thats cute! You have always been cute haven't you..yes, I can tell..every pic you are such a little cutie! Have a good Valentines day..come say hi when you can :D

  16. I have to plead guilty-- I am the one that took most of the pictures of Jules and Patti when they were growing up- you see, I am their mother!! I believe this one was taken with the poleroid camera, how many of you ever have seen one of those ? You gals are right-they do have pretty smiles.

  17. Cute pictures! I can definitely tell you guys are sisters!

  18. You know how much I love old pictures! Good ones! I like your Flashback Friday.


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