Friday, January 28, 2011

Impatiently Waiting

It has been a very cold and very snowy winter this year so far. I know we have a good two months of this left, but I am still itching for spring. Winter keeps me pretty much homebound as I've never liked the cold or any outside winter activities...

On the other hand, one of Brian's favorite activities is ice fishing. He goes a lot with his Dad. You can read about one of their fishing adventures from last year here.

A couple weeks ago I decided to dust off and open up my sewing machine. I haven't made anything for years. I used to sew a few things for my kids when they were little.

I bought a pattern, got some fabric and headed to my mom's house. I had no idea how to read a pattern anymore. Mom actually cut out all the pieces for me.☺

It actually only took me a couple hours and I had these cute little pajamas done for Felicity. They are a little short. Oh well, the next pair will have to be longer.

Other than that, I spend my days at home. Pretty much every day our three beautiful grands come over. (since we all live on the same 100 acres) Love that!

I think I'm ready to start working on our 2010 taxes..........yuck. There is a lot to do when you are self-employed. If I wasn't such a procrastinator they would be done already. But hey, I have until April 15th.

What do you do to fill your days in these long, cold, and snowy days?

Just to let you know.....we have another 3-5 inches of snow coming in later today!


  1. Hi Jules,
    I am impatiently waiting for spring as well, heck, I'm longing for temperatures over 60 degrees again! Like I said in a recent blog post, the Farmers writing the Almanac were hitting the Gin Still too much when they forecasted this winters weather! I am usually a snow lover, but am blinded by all the white outside my windows. Just the other day we got hit with another 18"... ugh.. Makes for a long day especially when your husband plows snow and is gone for days on end.. I think the PJ's look perfect. How adorable! I always wanted to learn how to sew and almost bought myself a machine, but never did.

    I've been spending the days in between going to work and reading, writing and cleaning.. Have a wonderful day.. Tell me, do you clean and cook those fish?


  2. Oh Yippie... more snow, please excuse my lack of excitement!
    Those look like Muskies. But I'm not real good at identifying fishies!
    The P.J. are cute Jules, I need to get off my but and start sewing more too. I've been into crocheting lately. We had a little sun the past two days, I hope you get some too!
    Love Di ♥

  3. Sitting at home trying to wait this winter out too. I'm going a bit stir crazy. Watching the sun peek through my windows, thinking it's warm enough to walk outside, then changing my mind when I open my front door. Brrrr!

    Jer loves ice fishing too, though he hasn't caught any fish like your man!

  4. The very thought of ice fishing chills me to the BONE! BRRR! I love the pj's you made...way to go! I took Home Ec. in high school and I sewed a dress once that would have fit a woman that weighed 600 lbs....I've never sewn, again! :)

  5. Um, I think we've talked before about me not having any idea in the world what I would do with myself if it snowed even an inch here. It's 75 and sunny today ;) SORRY. I do love that you get to see those gorgeous babies so much, though. That would almost make the cold worth it! CUTE PJs

  6. She looks cute as a button. I think you did a great job. So cute, she could wear a pair of tights under it for day time wear also. I know how you feel about the cold and snow. We have both, and I'm plenty sick of it. Blech!

  7. My dad is an ice fisherman too! I don't know how they do it...BRRR!!! Felicity's pj's are adorable...cute, cute pattern.

    Have a great weekend, and say warm!

  8. I am ready for springtime too. The kids are going bonkers not being able to run outside and get some energy out!!

  9. WOW..those are some big fish! Ice fishing would scare me! I love the cute PJ's...just darling :D

  10. fish must be bigger than spring and summer fish! My husband never catches anything that big!
    The pj's are so the pattern...they look so warm and cozy!
    This snow and freezing temps doesn't have me too motivated. I need some sun!

  11. Hi Jules~
    I feel so bad for you that it's so cold and snowy there. I remember it well from growing up in North Dakota. I didn't like the cold AT ALL, and did not like any winter activities either. Ice skating always looked so fun, but it was so cold (even in the inside rinks) that I didn't like it and would never go. Sad but true. I hope so badly it warms up soon and some of that cold snow goes away.
    The pajamas you made are SO ADORABLE!! I wish so bad that I cold sew. I'm lucky if I can sew a button on!! Ha ;)

  12. My husband has gone ice fishing a few times this winter but he hasn't brought anything home. At least your husband has something to show for it. Looks like you'll be having fish sticks for awhile.

    I've been surviving winter by learning how to cross-country ski. Once I get going and get warmed up it feels so good to be outside. I feel great when I'm done. Beg, borrow, or steal some skis or snowshoes. Perhaps you could even drive up here and ski with me.

  13. Wow that is a great catch. Cute pjs I sure wish I could sew. I gotta learn. Those are adorable. Can't wait to see all the fun stuff you make.

  14. Is this the time where I tell you we had 70 degree weather here yesterday? Although I hear another cold front is heading our way.

    Cute pjs. I never learned to sew.

  15. All of you living on 100 acres together - how wonderful is that!
    Those pajamas are so sweet! Oh, how I wish I could sew.
    Taxes- UGH! We are se;f employed as well... so I understand!
    Have a pretty day Jules!

  16. awwwwwwwww jules.....sorry you have to endure such horrible winters. I cannot even imagine cold temps, much less snow. Living in the deep south sometimes had its disadvantages..but I cannot think of one in the wintertime....yesterday was 74 and sunny like a May day. My perennials are already starting to sprout up!! come see'll be uber warm here!!!
    Love the pjs!!!

  17. I fill my days with some snowmobiling. Went to Timm's Hill (highest point in WI)yesterday. Beautiful ride with the fresh snow that fell Friday night. 155 miles. Longest trip this year. Get wimpy in my older age.

  18. I know just how you feel!! I am soooo ready for spring!! I am spending my days dreaming of spring:) Hang in there....we're almost over the hump!

  19. It was 65* today and I had to sleep because it was back to work tonight. By the end of the week (my days off) the high will be 34*. Gotta love NC weather! I am so ready for spring!

  20. Such cute jammies! Love them. My mom makes them for the kids too. They are their favorites and wear them until they are much too small.
    Great catch. I'm with you on staying in. If only I had a wood stove....

  21. brrrrr... I will stop complaining about our 40 degree weather now... that ice fishing is something I just don't understand!! =) he he

    sweet little peanut in her new Jammies... =) I take my machine out every once in a while... I would love to sew more... usually I make Jammies every Christmas... not so much this year!! *sigh* kids are hoping for Valentines Jammies now... better dust mine off too!

  22. Awww! The little nightgown is adorable, and she looks thrilled with it. I wish I could sew...

    I actually don't mind the snow. Of course, the post season for the Packers has helped a lot with January. I'm sure I'll have had my fill soon.


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...