Friday, January 7, 2011

Where's the Lamb?

I have a cute story I wanted to share with all of you.

Felicity spent the night at our house last night so she could ride along to take Kylee to school today. This is a big deal around here.

 She had to put on a pretty dress with matching leggings. (Even though no one was going to see her "outfit" under her winter clothes.)

 Once we got into Kylee's classroom, Felicity just stood there. Didn't say a word. She just stood as still as a statue while Kylee unloaded her backpack and hung up her jacket.

When it was time for us to go she didn't want to leave. I told her we had to go back home so the teacher could start the class.

She would not go.

Finally, she looked at the teacher and said, "Where's the lamb?"

The teacher looked at me and I said I didn't know what she was talking about. She kept insisting on seeing the lamb before we left. After trying to convince her for a few minutes that there wasn't a lamb in the classroom, I finally had to pick her up to force her to leave.

By the time we got to the car she was pretty upset. I kept asking her why she thought there was a lamb in the classroom and she finally "explained" herself.

Mary had  little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Marry had a little lamb his fleece was white as snow.
He followed her to school one day, school one day, school one day.....................

Oh my goodness! The mind of a two year old!


  1. ha ha ha... I LOVE it!! I wish I had written down more moments like that... you forget those funny/sweet moments!! =) Great snow pictures!!

  2. Love your photos and I love that little girl.

  3. So sweet! I love the way little ones think. She must be very verbal to be able to tell you all that. How cold is it up there?

  4. If only all our lives were as simple as that.

  5. That is one of the cutest and funniest thing ever!

  6. Love it! I can just hear her asking that and being upset that it isn't there. So funny!

  7. Oh, Jules, that's precious! To climb into their minds for just a moment!!!!

    I hope you are well!

  8. LOL she is way too smart for a two year old! And it is a bit sad that there are not lambs at school! ;D

  9. oh my....that is tooo precious!

    Have a blessed weekend :)

  10. That story is too cute! You should let the teacher know what she was talking about - I think she'd like it too!

  11. What a story....pricless! I love it :) And the pictures are so cute! Thanks for sharing!

  12. So. Darn. Cute. I love it! And the photos match. Isn't it great having a blog to document the sheer loveliness of our grandkids. Thank you for providing my smile of the day!

  13. That is the cutest thing!! I hope you are writing down the cute things she says! I keep Bryson's in a little book!

  14. That's a great story. Thanks for sharing it with us. My kids are for the most part beyond the "cute things little kids say" stage and I don't have grandchildren yet. So until I get one or two of my own, it's fun to look at pictures of yours.

  15. Oh, how precious.

    CUTE pictures.

  16. They do tend to take things quite literally, don't they? That was such a sweet story Jules! And love your photos, as usual! Love Di ♥

  17. Oh my gosh that is adorable!!! Poor thing! She just wanted to see the lamb.

  18. Aww..that is too funny!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...