Saturday, November 7, 2009

Me and My Girls

On the left: Kylee that I daycare for. On the right: Felicity my granddaughter.

Why is it so tough to get a couple kids to both smile at the camera? By the looks of this I guess I wasn't looking either.

Still not smiling. Sidenote: Notice the locks on the cupboards behind us? That little one is a bit curious.

Getting better. Felicity still doesn't want to look.

Oh well, this is the best we are going to get today...... Have a great weekend.


  1. You girls look so pretty!

    It is so hard to capture good pics of my kids too, but I am usually laughing like crazy while we are trying!

    Have a great weekend ;)

  2. Great pics! Looks like you had a lot of fun getting them taken.

  3. Cute.... Looks like everyone is feeling better.

  4. I like the pictures! Just think of the problems had they been boys! The complaints might be "don't stick your tongue out, "don't hold your fingers over his head like ears", quit crossing your eyes, they're going to stay like that if you keep it up", "don't pretend to be picking your nose, you were pretending, right!". lol Kids are so much fun, particularly in hindsight! lol Have a great day!

  5. Yep that pretty much looks like all of our groups shots. It is very difficult to get them all to look at the same time the flash goes off:) They are still adorable.

  6. I could just feel that grandma hug! I love them too! Your girls are so cute, have fun with them!Come say hi :D

  7. I find it almost impossible to get a decent shot with my two boys! Wait - did you say granddaughter? You are a very young, glamorous grandmother!

  8. How cute you all look!!! I want a hat like Felicity:)

  9. I hear you on pics. w/ kids its a toughy.. still they are all cute. I can't believe you are a grandma.. you look to young and look great too! HOT grandma! ;)

  10. They look like that are having so much the giggling!! Fun shots!

  11. Good for you for making sure you got one that was a keeper. Nice pictures and they are such sweet girls.

  12. I swear they could all be yours. Everytime you say "grandmother" I laugh because you look like you could be their mommy!

  13. I just saw LMM's comment. Grandma? Holy cow, you look fantastic, girl!

  14. They are both so sweet (and I love that hat!).

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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