Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Desperate Attempt

I've really been having a hard time the last couple weeks coming up with blogging material. It's not that there isn't anything going on around here. I have actually been pretty busy but when I sit down to post to my mind goes blank. Frustrating!

In the past few weeks as I've been reading all the posts of my bloggy friends, I've noticed a lot of pictures of kids in leaves. Since I don't have any small children to take pictures of in leaves, I came up with this photo. This is me and my little sister (and some cat). I remember we had lots of leaves in our yard on the farm, but we never had to rake them up, blow them around, or put them on the road for pick up. They were left there to rot over the winter and be mowed up in the spring. I'm glad I still live out in the country where we don't have to do all that raking and picking up the leaves. I think they are pretty right where they are.

Well there you have it. A desperate post that really has no meaning at all. Sorry to put you through that! I will try to come up with something a little more creative next time. Hopefully it won't be a month from now.


  1. Awwwww...that picture is priceless.

  2. I love this post~ it's not desperate at all. One of my blog friends, Erica, does a weekly meme called, "A Walk Down Memory Lane" that this post would be perfect to link up to. If you go to my blog, her blog name is "Scottsville". I joined it for the first time last week.

  3. Love the pic. I don't live in the country,and my leaves stay in the yard where they belong! No raking here!

  4. I love leaf cute of you and your sister. So cool that you have this to share too.

  5. Oh but it does have great meaning...Sisters, and all that that means...the love of nature that is still with you today and the love of God's sweet little creatures! How's that?! :D

  6. Don't sweat it...we've all gone through times when the words just don't flow very easily. That picture is adorable!

  7. All the leaves around here are wet and slimy! LOL

    I'm so sorry I've been so remiss on blog reading and commenting lately. Life has been whirlwind busy around here!


  8. What a sweet photo! We life in the country surrounded by 6 or 7 oak trees, I would die if I had to rake that many leaves up!!

  9. Actually, I enjoyed this post! I never heard of someone leaving the leaves. But you're right, they have a place on the ground and it decorates the area where normally dead grass would show. How sweet!

  10. I can't seem to come up with anything good to say lately either. I like that you improvised. Cute photo!!!

  11. Good post, especially since tomorrow is Patti's birthday. I know what you mean though, sometimes it is so busy but not much comes out. I liked the post though and I agree - why rake? We never did or do yet. They are where God meant them to be.

  12. I've had some "blogger's block" recently too! I LOVE your photo in the leaves. We don't get Fall around here so I don't have any photos of pretty leaves or my kids playing in them!

  13. Your picture reminds me of my girls when they were younger. They were always dragging out cats somewhere. When I saw your picture, the first thing I thought of was, I wonder how the cat like being in the leaf pile.


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...