Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Ant and the Fly

I told you yesterday that Brian has been taking a lot of pictures. Well, here's another one. The tiny reddish ant was dragging the fly across our sidewalk. Did I mention that he loves to use the macro setting?? Stay tuned....I have many more to show you.

Andy and Casey's wedding is only 1 week and 4 days away. Holy Cow!! We are now in the final preparations.
Tonight we are working on centerpieces for the tables for dinner.
We sent out checks for the photographer and video girl.
I started tanning last week, can't be all whitey.
My hair color is on Tuesday, can't be all greyey. (I know that's not a word)
Next Wednesday we start decorating the hall.
I can't wait but I'm not ready for it to be over either. I will try to keep you updated on how everything is going.


  1. How do they do that? You would think the fly would weigh a ton compared to that ant.

    Good luck with the wedding.

  2. That picture is so funny, but I have heard that ants can carry like 100 times their weight or something crazy like that!! lol

    Have so much fun getting ready, but don't forget to take it all in, relax, breath and take lots of pictures! Can't wait to see!!

  3. Wow he is really getting good with the camera. You are too funny. Can't be all whitey or all greyey. I hear ya!

  4. Looks like a guy picture. Girls don't think ants and flies are fascinating. At least my girls don't. The macro setting is amazing though.

  5. I'm not so sure whitey is a word either. Labor day weekend John stood above me and said "OMG Connie are you gray" Thanks dear I needed you to tell me that!! My appointment is next week also :) Good luck with the wedding, it will be fine enjoy the process it goes super fast.

  6. That's a great picture. If I tried taking that with my camera it would be one big blur!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...