Friday, May 1, 2009

Garage Sales

Yesterday we went to Marathon for their city wide garage sales. Oh my goodness, they are really serious about their sales. They print up a paper with all the sales listed, where they are and what they have for sale. There is even a map attached with where each sale is located.

We parked at the number one sale and walked for a few blocks. It was actually sunny and beautiful there. Kylee found the most "treasures" and spent a whopping $1.25. She was a trooper through the whole thing, we walked around the city for about 3 hours. I didn't find anything I really needed, neither did Tracy. But of course then there's Brian. He digs through all the "treasures" in each sale. He even checks out the boxes of free stuff. Well, guess what he found in one of those free boxes? Yep, a rooster and a hen. Just what we needed. I instantly thought about the "chicken" that we pass around for birthdays. Those of you that have gotten it know what I mean. Maybe someday these two will end up like that, if they make it that long. Do I have any takers out there?


  1. They might be related to our "chicken"! Dad has it now and I think he likes it because he's not passing it on too fast.

  2. That was the first thing I thought of when I saw your blog. We are going to the Woodbury Garage Sales this next Friday and it is huge - maps, food stands, etc. If you want to go to all of them it takes at least a couple of days. I wouldn't have thought the little town of Marathon would have done that though. I wonder what "treasures" we will find. (I am not very good at that but Heather is!)

  3. Hey, We over yonder in Marathon have it together(:
    (I talk as if I have something to do with the garage sales.) Yah Right
    Edgar garage sales is coming up. Another town you park the car and walk for blocks.
    Thanks but no thanks on the chicks.


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...