Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I was sitting on my front porch enjoying a cup of coffee. Then I saw it........ a mouse hanging on the cord to my lights. I was freaking out. I got the cat and tried to show it to her. Obviously you can't point a cat's head in the direction you want.
He was just hanging out there like he enjoyed it.

Then I shooed him and he went inside the light.

Then he tried to get out and I hit the light with a broom handle. He fell to the ground. I threw the cat there but she still didn't see it in time to catch it. This is gross.


  1. you are definately more brave than me. I would have ran into the house and locked the door. Like a mouse can get thru the door if it wasn't locked?

  2. I would have been screaming! Why do we scream at such a little creature? I think your cat needs some lessons from watching Tom & Jerry.

  3. That's crazy. How long have your lights been up? Is he living inside one of them? YUCK!! I agree with Deb - your cat needs some lessons. What a way to ruin a perfectly relaxing moment with your coffee - How Rude!

  4. Oh my that mouse was nothing I'm freaking out that you could touch a cat..... ewwww ;) Sorry the mouse ruined your cup of coffee.


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...