Thursday, May 21, 2009

All Grown Up

What can a parent do to stop this process? I know we all want our kids to grow up and spread their wings. But even when they do, it is tough on us moms.

Things are easier when the biggest problem is changing diapers and washing bottles.

Then they start crawling and get into everything, but things still aren't real big issues.

Then they go through loving pets and unfortunately losing them.

The fun times when they bring so much joy and make you proud.

The times when it seems the day couldn't get any worse, then Grandpa's tractor makes the day better.

This is my favorite picture of all times.

And of course the first day of preschool, the beginning of a new era.

So why the Andy memory tour? Big things have been happening in his life. Last year he got engaged and built a house. Today he started a new career. He is following in his Dad's footsteps. He bought himself a semi. This is both exciting and scary to me. Probably because I am the Mom. What about all the meanies out there? What about when the weather is bad? Will he eat 3 good meals a day? What about the germs in those public showers? What if is is 100 degrees and they have to work, will he drink enough? Boy oh boy being a Mom is stressful. We are put here to nuture and protect our kids and when they are old enough to take care of themselves it leaves a little spot empty inside. We are very excited for Andy and Casey and very proud of them.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot I didn't need that memory lane right now, I'm having a hard time keeping my tears hidden from John already. Being a mom is so tough, no one told me it would be this hard to let go.

    Good luck to Andy and tell him to wear flip flops in those showers... YUCK!!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...