Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Snow, Sun, and More Snow

A couple weeks ago I was hanging out at home while Wisconsin's winter was raging outside. This is actually a picture of my kitchen that's cold.

Since Brian had been gone since the 2nd of January, we decided it was time for me to take a little time away from the bitter cold and snow of home.

So I booked a plane ticket and flew off to Atlanta. The weather was gorgeous. The temps were in the 60s which was about 80 degrees warmer than when I left home. That's just crazy to me.

From there we went to NC and it was in the 70s there! Oh my goodness I was lovin' it. I even saw flowers!

After we were all loaded we headed with our load back towards home.

We had heard of the big storm coming and our hopes were high that we were going to get home without running into it.

No luck.

After we left Milwaukee the weather just got worse and worse. We considered stopping for the night but we just wanted to go home. The ice started to build up on the windshield and the mirrors. The closer to home we got the more snow there was. The interstate turned into basically one lane as the left lane was totally snow covered and not plowed.

As we were putting along a car started coming up our side to pass. Brian saw him in the mirror and said, "Oh no, they are going to try to pass us!"

The guy got next to our trailer, lost control, spun around in circles and rolled 3-4 times into the median. We couldn't stop with the big truck as it was too slick to just hit the brakes. And of course you don't just stop those big things like you can a car. Brian called 911 right away. It was pretty scary and I sure hope whoever was in that car is okay.

We saw many many cars in the ditch and a few of them were on their roofs. I don't understand why some people think they can drive in these conditions as if the roads were clear.

After a long drive we were finally home. Thanks be to God..........


  1. I fun trip with the hubbie but the end sounds pretty scary! Bet those truckers see a lot of stuff like that..glad you made it home :D

  2. Woweeee, that ride back sounds like it was scary one! Glad you made it back home safe and sound!
    I sure don't miss those snowy, icy roads! Hope you are staying in and keeping warm!

  3. Glad you enjoyed some of this gorgeous Georgia's supposed to hit the upper 60's today! That car losing control must have been a sight to scary! Happy y'all made it home alright!

  4. yikes... glad you are home safe!! I just commented and blogger lost it... take 2!!

  5. I'm glad you got a chance to get away... Sorry to hear about your experience coming home. People do strange things while driving, especially here in Seattle.
    When it snows here and the highway looks like the one in your picture. People actually park their cars and walk home. The highway becomes a parking lot-I've never seen anything like it till I moved here! (I grew up in snow.)

    Hey Graebel moved us six years ago-Great company-Have nothing but good to say about them.

    Glad you are safe and sound!

  6. YIKES! So glad you got home safely from your adventure! It does amaze me how people don't respect mother nature and what she can do to roads.

  7. Welcome back home!! We all were worried about you two out in the blizzard. Stop in sometime~~~

  8. Wow! I hate driving on a little ice, so I can't imagine driving a truck in those conditions. Glad you made it home safely.

  9. We did have some great weather this weekend in GA that wreck sounds scary!!!

  10. I'm glad you made it home safe and sound! I love the picture of your kitchen window!

  11. As you probably well know Jules, I get to hear these stories all of the time! Jake even tells me which states have the worst drivers, Ha! When the weather gets that bad my husband just shuts down. He always says that there is no load of freight that is worth his life. Glad that you made it home safely. Now you know why my daughter chose to live in N.C. instead of here!! Love Di ♥

  12. The weather has been raging here too.

    My husband was a trucker at one time and because of him I learned SO much about how those big vehicles operate.

    I am also a Canadian Prairie girl and you HAVE to know how to drive in bad weather AND when to stay home.Glad you made it home safely.

  13. Glad you are safe. and Love the pic at the opening. Beautiful. While cold, winter is beautiful...if long and did I mention cold!?!

  14. Yay for the warm weather. Ick for the ice. We had that down here a few weeks ago. It's awful and people can be just stupid on the roads. I'm glad you are okay.
    Oh, and Brrrr to the window picture. It is beautiful though.

  15. That is such a neat picture of your kitchen window.

    I am so glad that you guys got home safe and hope those people in the car were okay. Driving in snow sure is a scary thing. I don't know why they would try to pass you.

  16. Sure wish we could have met up for even just 5-10 minutes. Don't you think you could convince your babies and grandbabies to move to NC? I saw a bunch of tulips nearly popping open yesterday and tomorrow it will be 70 again. Glad y'all made it home safely!!!

  17. Glad that you enjoyed our NC weather. It was nice to have a break. The high today was only 45* but that's normal for us to be cool one day and warm the next. I think spring is heading this way a little early.

    I am glad that y'all made it back safely. We watched a little of that storm on the weather channel and it looked like madness.

  18. sick of snow...that is all. love that first picture...very cool.

  19. TERRIFYING. Glad the other person didn't take anybody else out with their daredevil maneuvering.

  20. SO glad you got home safely. So scary to me.....being from the deep south, I cannot even imagine cold weather like that. Ya'll tough cookies up there and must really appreciate spring when it springs!!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...