Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monkey See....Monkey Do

This is what we found in my living room the other day......

I almost didn't post this but she is so innocent and doesn't think there is anything weird or wrong with it. It's just one of those things that happens when you have a little sister.

(She will probably not be so happy I posted this when she gets older.....
shhhhh don't tell her)


  1. Oh my gosh! That is funny and sweet as she does what she sees mommie doing. Little girls just come to earth full of mommie characteristics don't they?! ;D

  2. Kids learn through curiosity!
    It's cute when they try to be like mommy. I wish Kate would let me post more photos of her, I have to have her "Permission" now!
    Love Di ♥

  3. LOL....that is cute. But, you are right - she won't be happy with GG when she sees this at 15...haha

  4. Is that ever FUNNY! Good thing you had your camera ready to go! What a perfect picture to show at her wedding one day!;)

  5. I'm sitting here laughing and my 14 year old daughter keeps asking, "What?" I told her it's hard to explain. That is a really funny picture. Good ammunition for blackmail for years to come.

  6. LOL...I can assure her it isn't nearly as fun as it looks!`

  7. Oh my word that is so funny! Brings back memories that's for sure!

  8. That is one priceless photo! Glad you were able to catch it :)

  9. Hilarious! My lips are sealed. :)

  10. You always have the best photo's of kids doing the most innocent of things.. that's great..

  11. Bwahahahahaha.....She is going to die when she gets older knowing you posted this!!

  12. ha ha ha ha ha...

    that brings back horrible memories!! =) nursing and pumping did not come easy for this chick!! You know you can "delete" files from your blog... forever removing evidence from cyberspace... when you are ready of course!! he he!!

    sorry about your weather... that is just wrong! it should never be that cold anywhere!

  13. OMG! That is hilarious! I really needed that tonight. Thanks for sharing....I sometimes wonder about posting stuff, too but "oh well"....I'm glad you did this time =)

  14. Are you wearing your camera around your neck all day? You are getting some priceless shots!

  15. OH MY GOSH....this is the funniest picture ever...love it! It sure gave me a chuckle :)

  16. Hilarious! Not only will she be enraged that you posted this, she'll likely be questioning the bizarre torture devices mommies of old lived through. What a bizarre gadget, when you truly consider it. Too funny!

  17. Oh my goodness glory girl, I'm rollin' in the floor here!!! Heeheehehhe!!! Oh, she's gonna hate you when she get's older...I'm not tellin'!!!

    God bless you and your little mini me!!! What a doll!

  18. HILARIOUS!!!! I am laughing up a storm over here! I can just see the gears moving around in her head... hmmmm....

  19. this is HILARIOUS! makes me wonder if I shouldn't cover up around my own kids more ;)

  20. LOLOLOL..oh my gosh..that is so cute!! And yes..when she is older, she will demand that you delete this picture!

  21. Thank God for cameras! I screamed with laughter! Thank you for sharing! hahahahahahahahahah!
    Have a pretty day!

  22. this is so cute!! and hilarious!! Who says our kids don't pay attention to what we do?? She'll hate this for awhile, but when she has her own kids, she'll be asking where that photo is!!!

  23. Oh my goooossshhhh!!! That is AWESOME! I'm laughing so hard. So glad you posted this!

  24. This is so sweet! Children really do watch us more than we think they do.

  25. HI Jules,
    I found you on comments to Teresa! I just love that lady! So I came over to visit and meet you. You have a lovely family and such adorable little ones. I have a newly married daughter so I'm excited to maybe be a Grandma one day. The breast pump made me crack up! What a classic!
    I'll be back to visit.
    Take care and blessings,

  26. ...sigh!! the innocence of a child's mind. don't you know it must be so confusing to even wonder about breasts but add to that fact is that you can make stuff come out????!!!!!!
    I think it's a perfect pic of a perfect little curious girl!!!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...