I was looking for something to post today, nothing really happening here. I have no pictures of flowers, food, or kids. Then I realized I never posted these pictures from a couple months ago. Here's the story. In September when we were at the cabin we rented, our group of friends from long ago wanted to get together. Four of us live around here but Jodi lives in Florida. She doesn't come home very often so we tried to make the best of it. The problem was.....I was away on vacation that week. Thankfully they made arrangements to get together in Phillips at Nancy's cabin. I was so excited. But now here's the next problem. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not fond of driving, especially when I don't know where I am, or if it is dark. I was determined that I wasn't going to miss this night with the girls, it meant too much to me. So I drove the hour drive (which I know isn't much, but scary for me when I don't know where I am). We met at the cabin, said our hellos, then went to Harbor View to eat. We had a great time catching up and eating good food. We then went back to the cabin and all of a sudden you would think we were back 25 years ago. Believe it or not, there is very little or no alcohol involved in the following photos. We stayed up until 4 in the morning talking and catching up on each other's lives. You know that you have true friends when you can not see each other for months, or even years, and you can pick up right where you left off. These friendships are truly special to me. I will never forget this night and I hope we have many more.

Here we are at Harbor View at the beginning of the night.

I am not sure what is really going on in the picture??

This one is taking down by the water, it was a bit chilly.

We set up our cameras to take these pictures, we had to take many before we got one we liked.

Then of course, a little fun.

Love you girls!!