Monday, July 25, 2011

More Critters

I bought this window feeder for the hummingbirds a couple months ago. When I first put it out they were hitting it pretty hard. Then they were actually gone for about a month. I kept changing the juice weekly just in case they would come back. They came back about a week ago and now they are absolutely nuts! I've had to fill this feeder every day lately and yesterday I had to fill it twice. Last night there were nine of these little guys fighting for the two spots on the feeder. We have two other feeders in the yard but they like this one the most. It's pretty cool because we can stand right by the window and watch them up close.

Why do they fight with each other so much? They will actually land on each other and peck at him to get them off the perch.


  1. Hi there, We've had feeders over the years in Ca. but then had trouble with ants and yellowjackets so I quit. Here in Colorado I didn't want them to get dependent(especially in winter)so I just planted flowers they could get nectar from. I don't know the answer either except if it is dominance.
    Have a great afternoon.

  2. Great video Jules.....Humming birds, as sweet and cute as they seem, are incredibly aggressive and territorial. The males will swoop and charge other males while the females come to drink. Our hummers have been kind of quiet this year - for years we had one we called "King Tut" - he'd sit on top of the feeder and dive bomb any other one that tried to get near "his" feeder. He isn't back this year tho....I haven't filled the feeder half as much as other years. Don't know why....Does that feeder attach right to the outside of the window??? Have a great week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Survival of the fittest I guess...we had two then four and more. I keep mine filled fun to watch them! ;D

  4. LOve that!
    They are very territorial and fierce little fighters!
    I always miss them when they're gone!

  5. Those hummingbirds can be brutal!
    You're going to be out there filling that feeder all summer! I'm sure your grandbabies love to watch them!

  6. That is great! I had two but didn't attract any :(. Glad someone had better luck!

  7. I have never seen a hummingbird sit still that long! I know you're enjoying the feeder. Thanks for sharing the video and picture with us.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I am going to link up with you. I think your blog is as cute as pie! :o)

    Have a blessed evening!

  8. Oh wow! I don't think I've ever seen more than one at a feeder at a time! You must have some good juice in that thing!!

  9. Very nice to watch Jules!
    Love Di ♥

  10. I have a window feeder too and had to put three other regular feeders around the house in different places so they didn't fight as much. They can be real meanies! I have to refill mine every 2 days. I make my own with 4 C. of boiling water to 1 C. C&H PURE CANE sugar-(Let cool of course.)My husband asked why I can't use the cheap sugar and I told him my hummingbirds only like the best! :) I put a window planter with flowers they like under the window feeder and placed long sticks in it-They love to perch. Makes for great pictures too! Loved the movie!

  11. So cute! I have two feeders but can never remember to keep them filled!

  12. You're going to laugh, but even though I have the same feeder, when I saw the image in the still video, I thought there were two girls hanging out in a pool full of Kool-Aid. hahaahha

  13. They sure are slurping that up! Must be very comfortable as they are taking their sweet time, aren't they? Great video!!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...