Friday, April 1, 2011

The Famous Scones

For anyone who is a "friend" to me and my two sisters on Facebook, you know about all the conversations about Deb's famous scones. Whenever she mentions they are coming out of the oven soon you never know who just might show up to indulge in the hot delicious pastry.

The other day Tracy and I wanted to learn to make them ourselves.  Patti has already braved the scone world on her own and made them herself.  Since we had a busy day ahead of us Patti showed up at my house a little after seven. We started mixing, rolling, and cutting scones. We made four different kinds. Blueberry Almond, Lemon Blueberry, Cranberry Almond and my all time favorite Raspberry Chocolate Chip.

By the time the first batch came out of the oven Deb was sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee. I'm glad "the pro" came over since she gave us a couple of really good tips.

Tracy and Casey rolled in about an hour later and had their taste of pure scone heaven. I ended up eating three of those bad boys.

I'm thinking Saturday sounds like a good time for another Coffone (coffee/scone) morning. Any takers?

Is there any better way to start off a perfect day than with family, coffee and scones? I think not.


  1. They were so good! I might be able to spare a couple hours on Saturday morning. Maybe we should experiment with some new flavors,although raspberry chocolate chip is hard to beat.

  2. Mmm this post made me hungry!!

  3. Those scones look divine!!!

  4. mmmmm, i LOVE scones! i've never tried to make them - i'll have to check out the link you left - thanks!

    ps - your new design is so cute!


  5. I love your new blog look...super snazzy! I almost didn't recognize it as yours. Oh, my goodness...those scones look DE-LISH!

  6. Hi Jules~
    Thanks for sharing the recipe. YUMMMMM!

    Thanks to your post, I am now craving one...he he ;)

    I'll have to make some soon!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. You had me at 'scone'.... My all time favorite is cranberry orange. Just found your blog today.

  8. Love the new design! Cute and "springy". The artwork is very appealing and professional looking.

    My mother-in-law used to make the best scones and they were such a treat when we would visit. Since we have been with them, she hasn't made them once... so I took over the role with my own recipe. However, they are plain so that we can add an assortment of jams, honeys or spreads.

    Think I might just have to check out that recipe and make a batch... or two.

  9. Those look SOOOO delicious! I would get in my car and drive up there now for tomorrows coffee/scone morning.

  10. Yum! I love baking. If there wasn't feet of snow on the ground, I might be tempted to head up. ;)

  11. They look so delicious Jules. I would love to make some!
    Love Di ♥

  12. They look so delicious... I wish I had one right next to my laptop as I'd be picking on it right now instead of licking my monitor...

  13. Yummm, my Mom makes scones and they are delicious...guess I'd better get her recipe and make some...scones and coffee sound like the perfect morning to me!

  14. I love scones! I used to make them all the time. Haven't made any in years, though. I'll have to check out this recipe. That picture looks like they are perfect!

  15. I had a dear friend who used to make scones for me. It was a comfort food for sure!

  16. Wow - they look soooo yummy! I have only had one scone in my entire life. I liked it very boss brought it in to me on one of his trips to visit. I think I need to add them to my 'wish' and 'treat' list!


  17. Yum...I love scones! My Dad makes some good ones! I also like the ones at Starbucks & Caribou!


Leave me some sugar........

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