Monday, March 7, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Blogging  is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read  and yet most of the time we find ourselves sitting and wondering, "who is  this person!?"  I know them...but yet I don't know them!  I want  to know who the person is behind all those words so I thought I would join Java at Never Growing Old for Meet Me on Monday for a great  way for all of us to "meet" each other!

1.  What is your favorite way to eat potatoes?
 I used to eat a lot more potatoes than I do these past few years. Mashed were always my potato of choice but these days if I eat potatoes, it has got to be big fat french fries.
2.  What was the last package that was delivered to your house?
 A baby shower present for Tiffany from Target.

3.  What is your favorite scent that you love to smell?

 I absolutely love the smell of lilacs. They are here for such a short time...

4.  Do you smoke?

5.  Are your parents married or divorced?

They are married, and I thank God they are still with us for many years to come.
(check out her blog here)


  1. No smoking - thumbs up!
    Congratulations to you and your parents on still being married...awesome!
    I love potatoes about any ole way!

  2. No smoking for me...BLECH! Your parents sure are a sweet couple!

  3. I'm with you about "no smoking"! I've never smelled actual lilacs before, only the scent.

  4. Agree with the no smoking sign...YUCK!

    I love potatoes any way you can cook them! Yum!

  5. Hi Jules,
    Those fries look good. Lately I've been sick of potatoes. Love the smell of Lilacs though, our bush has buds on it! Love Di ♥

  6. Aren't lilacs the best smell ever? We used to have a yard full of them, but at this house I'm just trying to get one bush going well.

    It is funny how people get to know each other on blogs...we consider them friends and yet we may never meet them. Thanks for visiting me!

  7. Your Mom blogs!!! I can't wait to go check that out.

    I love lilacs. I can't ever decide if I like lilacs or grape hyacinth better. I think it's that the hyacinth comes out so early and smell so, so good. :)

    I'm getting antsy for spring. It's getting so close!

  8. Thanks for stopping by. I follow you now! I used to have a lilac tree in my yard as a kid. You could smell it when the windows were open. mmmmm

    :D Lesli

  9. That's so awesome your mom has a blog!

    Mashed potatoes with lots of butter and salt are one of my favorite things in the world.

    Lilacs rank up there, too. And being a non-smoker! :o)

  10. this is great.. I love lilacs too!! they were my mama's favorite flower!! she grew them in ALL our houses... after my parents divorced... we had many homes!! =) she passed away 10 years ago this March... = ( now lilacs are VERY special to me!! =) and I will grow them in every home I live!! =)

  11. OH... do you know you can mail order reblooming lilacs?? they are pink (not my favorite purple or white) and they are dwarf... but they rebloom through the end of summer!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...