Wednesday, July 7, 2010

More Time For Fun

Some of you have heard me talk about all the mowing we do around here. I know I have complained talked about it a few times here on my blog.

Not any more.

Brian surprised me the other day with this beauty. The first hour or so of driving it was quite a circus. Has anyone else had to learn how to drive one of these? I only mowed off one little tree so far. It cut my mowing time from 4 hours down to 2. That may not excite many of you, but it sure leaves more time for fun in my summer. 

Of course Jack had to help me with the picture.

And Papa had to give him a little ride.


  1. Oh my gosh! I can't let my hub see this; he wants one bad. (He really does need one though,)

  2. Sooooo cute!!!! I love the pic:)

  3. Hey girl,
    I was wondering if you could help? Can you tell me how you add your signature at the end of every post? I've been trying forever to do that, but I've had no luck...grrr Any help would be much appreciated. I do have a signature graphic.((hugs))

  4. Thats a beauty...have fun with it! :D

  5. Now those are cute pictures! Congrats on the new mower. I know that's gonna help out a lot!

  6. Love that he is ready to help Papa mow the lawn!

  7. woot woot! That is a beauty...Andy would love it. Glad it cuts so much time off of the mowing!

  8. I know that's a relief! Congrats :)

    Mowing the yard stinks!

  9. Very cute pics :)
    That riding lawn mower looks like it would sure be fun!
    Glad you got one... sounds like it's going to make mowing a heck of a lot easier...good for you!!
    Have a great day :)

  10. How fun! My in-laws have a riding mower...I've never dared try and drive it though!

    Cute, cute picture!!

  11. Those fancy ones look like so much fun but I think the learning curve is too steep for me. Andrew LOVES riding on da-da's John Deere. Jack is starting out early!

  12. I'd love to drive one of those fancy lawn mowers...they look like they make cutting the grass fun!

  13. I can't believe that Jack is that big already! Wasn't he just born like yesterday?!
    Never handled a rider. My husband and son always did that. We don't need one anymore. My husband won't let me mow anymore. Not since I bent the spindle on our two week old mower, ooopppps!!! Love Di ♥

  14. Aw!!!! Your little mower man in the first photo is ADORABLE! And how fun to have such a great mower to get the job done :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (my mister is mowing as we speak! I get some blog reading in!...I should be out there too!)
    Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind comment...I am so happy that our son -even when he is away at college- is finally able to put his songs slowly, but surely where I can download them :o)

  15. ahahahahaaha how cute. We totally need one of those!

  16. hubby would love that thing. The baby is so cute sitting on it too.

  17. OK...that mower is AWESOME!!!!!!

  18. Oh I SOOOO get your excitement :) We bought a zero turn a couple of years ago and!!

    You are going to LOVE it :)

  19. I would be excited too. Sweet ride and how much easier and more fun will it make for mowing. Congrats... on the new addition! :)

  20. Your name caught my eye over at SITS this morning since it is our nickname for our daughter, Julianne. We have much in common and I am happy I stopped by. Happy mowing!

  21. It takes my husband about an hour to mow both the front and back of our home. I can't imagine spending 4 hours on this. I can definitely see where a ride on would be a life saver.

  22. Now that is one nice ride! Won't be long, and Jack can take over.

  23. Love the post on the parade. Around here we eat moose not stuff it.

    No wonder you two look so young! You live life to the fullest.

  24. Oh, you will love it. When we got ours I went from 5 1/2 hours to under two hours of mowing. You can really cruise. When we got ours everyone was taking bets on how long before I would end up in the pond...haha I Love it!

  25. Wow, what a nice suprise! It takes my husband 3hrs to mow on our rider...he would love one of those!

  26. Cute pictures.

    I love those pratical gifts the hubby surprises us with.

  27. "Well what am I supposed to do in this thing?" That first shot is hilarious.

    But what a nice gift, the gift of time!

  28. Oh my gosh! My son would be in absolute heaven if he got to sit on a "tractor!" He thinks everything is a tractor and he is in love with them.

  29. Love the picture!! Don't tell my husband that you do the mowing!!

  30. Nice! Glad that it cuts your mowing time down!

  31. 4 hours down to 2 hours sounds like that mower was a great investment!!
    Boy, with all the rain we have been getting you are mowing like every third day - that is a lot!
    She is a cutey!

  32. This post brought back memories of when we got our zero turn. I was so excited to get it, I bought it on ebay and they delivered it to us. I thought it would be no problem and I hopped on and oh my goodness, it took a little to get used to. lol But, it also cut our mowing time down tremendously! It only takes 3-3 1/2 hours now. It has a 72" deck and that helps. I zip right along now.

    BTW, I just found your blog! I was looking at your posts and just had to comment on this even though it's an older one. :)


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...