Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bee Update

This morning I called a local bee keeper in our area. He said he would come right over and collect the bees.

The first thing he did was set this "bee house" on the ground by the tree.

Then he blew some smoke on them.

And the next step I missed with the camera. I didn't know what he was doing so I missed the shot. He tied that rope around the tree and gave it a big yank and the bees all fell into the box and on the ground. Notice there are no more bees on the tree.

He was checking for the Queen Bee at this time. He said if she went in the box the rest would all go in there.

Then he watched.

Some of the bees were going back up onto the tree and as I was taking this shot he yanked that darn rope again. That scared the begeezes out of me!

He kept telling me I could go closer because "them there bees aint gonna hurt you none."

I politely told him I was plenty close.

This is what it looked like when I left it. He said in about an hour they would all be inside the box. We'll see.....


  1. That is amazing!
    I would have been right where you were...or maybe inside the house!:)
    Enjoy the day

  2. That is just crazy.....can't wait to hear if it worked....

  3. Gracious girl, them there bees sure could hurt ya if they took a notion! Your braver than I. I would have been hiding in the house looking out the window.. ha!

  4. This is fascinating Jules! I don't blame you one bit for not going closer! Love Di ♥

  5. Oh my goodness...that was a lot of bees...It didn't seem like so many until you actually see the size of the trunk...SHUDDER! I hope it works for you and I am with you...that is close enough. thank goodness for zoom lenses huh?!

  6. That is so bizarre! Bee keepers are interesting people, for sure. We buy our honey from a local apiary, and he's a character. They all say bee's wont sting you, ha! Well, I don't want to find out. Hopefully he can get them re situated in a better environment. Bee's are disappearing like crazy from what I've read.

  7. I cannot believe that bee story!! YIKES!!

    The pictures you took were amazing--I've never seen anything like that.

    Glad yuo could get help to come and get it taken care of.

    How scary!

    PS-- a few nights ago I found a live scorpion in our house!! I about croaked. You can bet the next day I had the exterminators out here ASAP to deal with it. Bees, scorpions...all those things just give me the CREEPS!!!!!

  8. That gives me the chills!!! I am allergic to bees and I wouldn't want to be anywhere near it! What a guy! It is so interesting though. I have never seen bees clumped together like good that there is someone who knows all about them! :D

  9. Holy cow!!! I'm so glad Casey didn't shake that tree. Aaayyy . . . Trying to catch up on blogs and want to see some new pix of Felicity and Jack

  10. totally crazy! i would have kept my distance also!!

    Did it work ??

  11. I would have kept my distance too!!

  12. Oh my gosh girl! That is soo cool! I'm with you though! I would stay away but thanks for sharing the step by step with us! I felt like I was standing there watching with you

    Happy Saturday

  13. I guess after you get them high they won't sting you??? I'm assuming that's what he did by blowing smoke on them anyway??? I'll leave this stuff up to the bee keepers. I don't blame you for keeping your distance!

  14. Wow, if I weren't so darn tough, that would have scared the living crap out of me! Good thing I'm brave enough to watch this unfold without even flinching.

  15. bees creep me out. REALLY creep me out.

  16. Oh my gosh! That is freaky!

  17. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow!

  18. I find it terrifying and fascinating at the same time.

  19. That is scary! I'm a late visitor from Follow Friday Over 40. You have a great blog!

    Happy Sunday!

  20. Amazing photos! Many years ago when I was still living in England I went out into my garden and after a while heard a loud buzzing above my head, looked up and there were bees everywhere, the sky was black. I ran indoors and watched as to my horror the bees swarmed and settled on the back fence. A bee keeper had to be called in by the local police forcer to remove them. It was fascinating to watch but also scary. Hope your bees behaved themselves and eventually went in that box!

  21. Glad that you were able to have them humanely removed!

  22. Wowwwwwza!! yikes! *shudder* !! Crazy! Wild! Cool pictures! ;)

    Last spring I tried to take a picture (stupid) of a hornets nest in a low tree by the school down the road ... those nasty hornets ~ they stormed me!! No kidding! ok .. so it was just a couple hornets...aka.. BEES! but they flew at me at lightening speed and landed in my hair/ wasn't pretty!! moral of the story... apparently they are attracted to shiny things... um... flash? the lens in the sunlight? I will never! ;)

  23. Oh man! That's crazy. Did they all go in the box?


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