Monday, August 8, 2011

Torn and Bruised

I haven't been around blogland very much lately.
I will fill you in on what's going on in my world in the village. 

 Last Monday I got a phone call from Tracy telling me she "hurt her knee." I assumed she just twisted it. Later that day she insisted I take her to the chiropractor to have him take a look. She explained what happened and how bad it was hurting. He said he didn't want to do anything to it at that time. The next morning she called and made an appointment for that afternoon. They did an MRI right away and called an hour later with the results. So what's the diagnosis? A torn meniscus, a bruised tibia bone, and a torn ACL!  How the heck did she do that from standing up from a kneeling position? She has been running every day for a few months so maybe it was damaged and she moved "just wrong" and the whole knee fell apart.

Now what. Tomorrow she goes in for surgery to fix the torn meniscus. IF the bruised bone is better and the swelling is down they will also fix the ACL. If not, she has to wait another six weeks before she can have the ACL repaired. That will mean another six weeks of total immobilization of the knee
BEFORE surgery and another how many weeks of recovery AFTER the second surgery.

For the last week I've either been at Tracy's house taking care of the girls there or they also come and stay at my house sometimes. It's quite a switch going from "an empty nester" to trying to get my work done during naps. Thank goodness we live just a golf cart ride from each other.

For those of you that don't know....Tracy's husband is a truck driver like Brian. He is gone for weeks at a time. (Just in case you were thinking "Why doesn't her hubby take care of her and the girls?")

This is what family does for each other when one needs help. It will be a long healing road ahead for Tracy but we will do whatever it takes to get through this. I just think about the families dealing with much worse situations than this.

We are truly blessed.

Keep Tracy in your prayers in the next few days. 

(and for this Grandma constantly chasing after a crazy 11 month old)


  1. Thinking of you and the family!!! I are so blessed and fortunate that I have family near me too.....what would we do without y'all "grandma's"?

  2. She is very fortunate to have you so close to help out. Hope it all goes well, and she has a speedy recovery. Once things get rolling, time will pass quickly. I have been hearing more and more about knee problems lately. Especially in regards to runners.

  3. Oh. My. Word. I'm so sorry for Tracy. I can't even imagine trying to be mama in all that chaos and pain. You must be an enormous blessing to her. Praying for you all! Keep us updated, please.

  4. Knees are such touchy things...I hope it will go well for her..and you! Eat your wheaties grandma, you will need it! ;D

  5. Hi there, Will definitely keep your girl in my prayers. My youngest daughter, now 29 and mom to four, tore hers in high school soccer. She's had two surgeries that helped for awhile and has to be really careful now. Praying that Tracy's is an easy fix.
    What a wonderful mom and grandma you are to be there to help-but as much of a blessing it is, it sure tires a gal out.
    Have a good week.

  6. Prayers for you and Tracy and the rest of the family...Ouch...My son has similar problems from a basketball injury - torn meniscus and ACL and a horribly dislocated kneecap. If he just sets his foot down wrong his whole knee fills with blood and he has to have it lanced. We were already for the rather major surgery (they will have to somehow try to reattach his knee cap), but then he got called back to work and put it off...then I lost my job and now insurance is an issue - so he's still struggling with it. So sad to see someone so young not being able to be active....Hope Tracy's surgery goes well, and she heals thoroughly...and is back to good as new soon! Best thoughts and prayers....Hugs ~ Robin

  7. I'll be thinking about her when I am getting my two knees replaced next Tuesday!! Good thing you live close by. I'll send a prayer your way.
    Love Di ♥

  8. Oh nooooo! That's not good...I'm so sorry to hear about her getting injured. So nice you are so close and able to help out so much! I wish her a very speedy recovery and am sending hugs!

  9. I know how you feel. I also have an empty nest until about a week ago.
    My son is visiting with his family and I need naps after dealing with little ones. I have been drinking lots of Pepsi Max to stay awake and have the energy to keep up with them.

    Wish your daughter a speedy recovery! Those knee injuries can really suck. :(

  10. I hope Tracy's surgery went well and that she is recovering. At least she has you right by her side to help out with the girls.

  11. Oh man!! I hope she is healing right up! I saw your update on FB but didn't comment because I had been out of the loop and would have felt crazy for asking why the surgery. Now I know.... She is lucky to have you!

  12. Oh goodness! Praying she heals quickly!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...