Monday, December 13, 2010

The Blizzard of 2010

 What a crazy past three days we have had. Our adventure started early Thursday morning. Three other girls and I took off for what what supposed to be a fun weekend of shopping. We left home around 9 a.m. The 2 1/2 hour ride was pretty uneventful. When we got to our destination we shopped for a few hours, had a wonderful supper, then finally checked into our hotel.

By this time our phones were ringing. "A blizzard is going to hit all of Wisconsin and we had better get home!"

Nooooooooooooooo. We didn't want toooooooo.  (that's my whining voice)

We got up Friday morning and headed straight to the mall. All day we were trying to make up our minds whether we should stay or leave. If we stayed we would probably have to stay until Monday because the blizzard wasn't stopping until Sunday afternoon and it would take some time for the roads to get cleared.

We decided to stay the day on Friday and leave early Saturday morning and hopefully beat the worst of the storm.

We were all up by 5 a.m. and finally hit the road a little after 6. What normally takes 2 1/2 hours took us 4. It was a long nail-biting four hours.

Once I was home there was no way I was going to leave my warm cozy house. We spent the rest of Saturday totally snowbound inside.

 This is the sunrise on Sunday morning. It was pretty..........looking at it from INSIDE the house. We ended up getting 20 inches of snow! The wind was still blowing super hard and the temps were frigid.

 Our front lawn looked like waves of snow from all the blowing and drifting. Our driveway is under there somewhere.

  I probably could have gotten better pictures if I would have went outside to take some. But that surely wasn't going to happen.

 You can't really tell on this picture but that snowbank towards the right is about 8 feet tall and right outside our garage door. We weren't going ANYWHERE.

 Later in the afternoon neighbor Bob came to our rescue. This is the kind of snowblower we use here in Wisconsin. We don't mess around.

Brian opened the garage door to get some pictures from this angle. 

At the end of the day.............a beautiful sunset.

This morning the sun is shining and it looks beautiful out. But it is very is -5 degrees!


  1. Its beautiful IF you get to stay home! Thank goodness for the kindness of neighbors. We've had a bit of the white stuff ourselves. Not nearly as much as you. Glad ya'll made it home safe.

  2. Sorry the blizzard messed up your shopping trip! It was quite the weekend! Loved being snowed in all day yesterday! Gotta love Wisconsin! Stay warm and be safe!

  3. Sorry your shopping weekend got cut short--but better to be home safe and sound! Seeing all that snow reminds me of what it was like growing up in North Dakota. I remember it well. Brrrrr!
    Glad you're staying inside where it's nice and cozy!

  4. PS--when I tell people here in Vegas we used to have to use a snow blower, scrape the car windows with an ice scrapers, and also plug our cars in, they have no idea what I'm talking about!!

  5. Wow you sure did get a lot of snow. haha I love the snow blower! We got a few inches, but that's a lot for us down in KY!

  6. Glad you got all your fun shopping in as well as back home safely!

  7. I can see we have nothing to complain about. We got dumped on too but only got about half your snow. Saturday night Keith cancelled church and then felt like an idiot the next morning to wake up to blue skies. Since everyone was still digging out nobody complained. Glad you're safe and sound and captured some great pictures. Our neighbor in Iowa used to drive his big snowblower over to unplug our driveways. Those snow shower pictures brings back fond memories. My kids loved it when the snow would be shot up on the side of the house.

  8. Now thats a real winter! The wind must be blowing like crazy to make those high of drifts! Glad you are home safe! Have a great week ;D

  9. Now that is a blizzard. I'm going to have to show Tyler these pictures. WE got 4 inches of snow (which is a lot for us) and Tyler was asking if it was a blizzard. Glad you all got home safe and still got to have a little fun. I can't even imagine that looong car ride home.

  10. Wow, that is some snow!! And I thought it was cold here.

  11. It's soooo pretty! Glad you got home safe! We were supposed to get all kinds of snow and ice but didn't get too much. The weather people were all "stay inside during the snow and ice EVENT." Not sure what made it an event haha!

  12. OH MY!! How beautiful!!!! I'm jealous!!! It is 20 here right now sunny florida, LOL.

  13. Oh my gosh! That's a lot of snow! And here we complain about an inch. No matter the amount, I dislike it either way! Stay warm!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...