Monday, November 22, 2010

The Last Four Days

For the last three weeks the wreath shop at my sister's has been going nonstop. Right now the shop is totally full of finished wreaths and kissing balls.

What is a kissing ball you ask?

These are kissing balls. They are kind of the "signature" of Poyda Tree Farm. We make and sell tons of these. The picture doesn't do them justice.............they are gorgeous. We make them in whatever color ribbon you prefer. Some even have lights in them.

Interested in one? Contact me and we can ship to anywhere in the states.

Friday I got to spend the day with Jack. He reminds me so much of his Daddy when he was little. So laid back and easy going.

Thursday night our family got together to celebrate my Dad's 78th birthday. We had tons of fun but I forgot to get my camera out and take some pictures. This is the best one I got of my parents at the end of the night. Oh well.

Then on Friday night Felicity got to spend the night with me. We always have so much fun together. 

(and there is no spoiling at all that goes on around here..........hehehe)

Then...........Saturday morning Patti, (the Harry Potter freak) called me and asked if I wanted to watch ALL 6 of the Potter movies for a refresher before we go see the new movie. Now I had read the first couple books but that's it. I had seen the first 2 movies.........but that's it!

We got through the first three on Saturday. Those are some loooooong movies. We had to resort to some pretty serious chocolate later in the day. I am so confused.

Sunday morning we got up (yep, she even spent the night) and started right into the next movie. I didn't know if I could go on. I felt like I had a Harry Potter hangover. By about four o'clock we were down to just one more left. At this point there was no meals eaten, just plenty of coffee and of course more chocolate.

We decided it was time to break to shower and eat something.

After some pizza and some soap, we were ready to hit it again.

We finished the last one, said our goodbyes and went to bed. I think I am now ready to go see the newest movie in the theater this week. I think............

Here's an afterthought...........doesn't my Thanksgiving deco go great with the color of the wall in my dining room?

Now how do we fit 30 people around that tiny table on Thursday?


  1. Jules,

    I enjoyed reading about your last 4 days. I didn't realize that your sister has a shop. My have you been busy little elves! The Harry Potter marathon sounds like fun. Well, any sleepover with a good friend watching movies, drinking coffee, and eating chocolate is right up my alley. And, yes, your Thanksgiving decor goes beautifully with that room color.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


  2. The only HP movie I have seen is the first one. That marathon sounds exhausting! Love the wreaths and kissing balls, very pretty! Have a great Thanksgiving :D

  3. Gorgeous kissing balls and I bet they smell sooo good! I was going to comment on how much Jack favors his daddy. denying that child. Harry Potter - not into it in the least but glad you are caught up and got a shower :-)

  4. shew about your moviepaloza!!!!!! WOW!!!

    I love your kissing balls! I would love to have one...but since I love my hubs more(and he can't breath around evergreens) I better pass...but they are BEAUTIFUL and I bet they smell amazing!

  5. We saw the new Harry Potter flick on Friday night...loved it! We seen all the Harry Potters at the theater, so it's like a family tradition. Can't wait for Pt. 2 to come out! Yes, your dining room looks so PRETTY! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  6. Well the only answer I could come up with was "Shrink" the people! I think your room looks lovely Jules and when I saw all of that pine, I could actually smell it!!! Happy Birthday to your Dad! Love Di ♥

  7. Love your adventures! Back in the day I worked at a local tree farm making wreaths. I just love the smell of pine. Where is Wisconsin are you again? We have only had a few flurries here in Oregon. Isn't the weather today crazy? Warm and tornado watches for us. We had quite the thunderstorm today too!

  8. I love those kissing balls. How very special to be able to celebrate your Dad's birthday with the family too.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week.

  9. Hello, it's the freak here. I have seen all of the Harry Potter movies before, but watching them all in two days was quite a crazy idea. Now we just need to plan a date to go to the movie theater.

    You know me...I can't wait for Thanksgiving dinner!!! haha

  10. Jack and Felicity are so darn cute! Love the pics :)

    Those Kissing Balls are so neat looking. I've never seen them or heard of them, but I think they're pretty and very cool!

    Have a great day!

  11. Your dining room is lovely! As are the grandkids and kissing balls! This is embarrassing to admit, but I've not seen a single Harry Potter movie. Nor have I read the books. I tried to read the first, years ago, but gave up about a quarter of the way through. Maybe one of these years I'll stage a weekend-long showing of the movies just like you did. My (adult) daughters love them, so maybe they'll join me.

    Have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving, Jules!

  12. First, your dining room is FABULOUS!!!!

    Next, Jack is a kissing ball! How cute is HE???? (The kissing balls are sweet, too - but nothing compared to Jack...)

    And Harry Potter? I've never read the books or seen the movies. *gasp* I know. My kids wanted to remedy that recently, so they rented #1 for my hubby and I to watch with them. You are not kidding LONG...we didn't make it all the way through. It was good, but we started late, and I was nodding off. We decided to watch later in the never happened.
    My daughter later had a sleepover with her girlie friends and they had a HP marathon, watching all the way through the night 1-6. Yikes! No sleep, lots of sugar, and lots of giggling! 8th grade girls... We were all out of town and busy for opening weekend of the Potter movie, but I've promised them that we'll see it. So, I'm up for it. I won't understand it (because I haven't see all of #1 and none of the others...) but I'm game. :)

  13. You have been busy. Loved the recap.

    Happy thanksgiving.

  14. The new HP is so good!

    And yes, your Thanksgiving decorations go perfectly!

  15. I love your Thanksgiving decor! And wow, you are a trooper for watching so much Harry Potter :) I could never get into those books or movies. Never seen or read any of them :)

  16. Your dining room definitely looks great! I saw kissing balls at Lowes last weekend. I thought they were neat! I am glad that your sisters wreath business is doing well. I never got into the Harry Potter movies. The marathon still sounds fun though.

  17. I've never heard of a kissing ball but they do look nice. I have the same fall tablecloth, but ours shrunk the first time we washed it so now it doesn't cover the whole table anymore.

  18. Amazing Kissing Balls! If I were near you I would have loved the Harry Potter marathon and defintely would be going to the new one! We love and miss you all, can see there is no spoiling of grand babies goin on there, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...