Friday, November 12, 2010

I Got Nothin'

I know, I know, it has been 10 days since I posted something on here. I'm sure you have all been missing me terribly. There are not many new pictures on my camera to share and not much to talk about.

I just have a few random things on my mind.....

The wreath shop started up at my sister's about 10 days ago and I've been working there a few hours a day. What a fun job it is! A few women locked in a garage, smelling balsam, and telling stories. Doesn't get any better than that.....

Felicity was running a fever on and off for a couple weeks so I went with Tracy on Tuesday to take her to the doctor. They ran a few tests and everything came back normal. It was confusing and frustrating. Then, wouldn't you know it the next day her fever broke and she has been fine since. Whatever!

It is snowing out right now and the ground is white..........yuck.

Everyone is gearing up for the big hunting season. Buck fever is in the air.........

Hmmmmm...........what else...................

Nothing, I guess. Now aren't you glad you just wasted a minute of your time? At least you got to see a super cute picture of Jack.


  1. I missed you! We got snow too..and I do love the picture! :D

  2. Absolutely glad to stop by. :)

    Sorry Felicity has been sick. Hope has done that several times. It's always a concern. Glad she is feeling better.


    That wreath making thing sounds wonderful and so much fun...I love that smell, but the hubs is allergic so I can can only hang the "real stuff" on the outside of the doors. :O(

    So glad to hear the fever broke, sometimes things just work them selves out. Have a great weekend!

  4. I resorted to a random post today myself. I think they are pretty fun.

    Fever scares me!! It can shoot up in no time. I just feel a sense of calm come over me when it breaks.

  5. Oh Jack is a cutie! My Jack has grown so much! Sounds like a fun job Jules, I'd like that! Katie and I just had our first Deer roast of the season last night, it was delicious! Missed you! Love Di ♥

  6. That is a beautiful photo of Jack.

    It is so hard to imagine snow on the ground but yesterday looking at other participants in a photo theme I saw lots of snow. This week it has been in the 70's here but we are about to get some cold weather - cold being 60F!

  7. I have been gone too...just now catching up.

    have a beautiful weekend.

  8. Cute picture! Also, I'm glad Felicity's fever broke.
    And lastly, what a fun job you have :) Sounds like a good time!Have a great day!

  9. What I'd give to have some of that white stuff falling about now!

  10. I think we need some pictures of the wreaths!

  11. We DO love what you post!! =)
    that lil wreath gig sounds fabulous!!
    add some latte's to that... yum yum!~! I am NOT ready for snow either!! We had a wind storm last night & an earthquake today!~! sheesh! it was little in my city... but I felt it! crazy! =)

  12. Oh man...I dont get all this hunting season stuff. I just blogged about that the other day. It's so alien to me. Getting all exicted to run around in the woods and shoot animals that really don't try to eat you first. Anyway, your grandbaby is so adorable in that photo! Oh and I'm soooo not feeling the snow either!

  13. Not much excitement this way either. I like these random posts though. I am glad that Felicity is feeling better. Yeah, I have to agree, yuck on snow. We are having a beautiful November here in NC. It appears that we will be in the 60s for the rest of the month. I am soo glad! Stay warm up there...LOL!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...