Monday, October 18, 2010

Cousin Love

Why is it so difficult to get more than one child to smile for the camera
at the same time?

 Please pay attention.....

 I'm over HERE...

 Kisses for Jack.

 Lookin' pretty Felicity.

 Thanks for the smiles Jack.

That's all folks....


  1. These picture are adorable! I'm visiting from my BlogFrog Community Memeber's posts! :) Did you know I host a Mamarazzi Monday Meme?

    Have a great week!
    Ann Marie (Household6Diva)

  2. I loved that last one Jules, they were all good! If you notice my grandson Jack's picture on my sidebar, I think I captioned it "I finally got him to sit still!". You did good! Love Di ♥

  3. Such great pictures!! I have a hard time just getting one to smile...yours did so well!! Cuties!!

  4. That is SO true. I rarely catch our two smiling and focusing at the same time!

  5. How sweet! Jules, when my kids actually look the same way ~ inevitably one of them has a dirty face OR something sticking out of their nose! :)

    Have a great Tuesday to do laundry!

  6. Cousin love is a beautiful kind of love. What great shots of those beautiful grandbabies! Jack is funny in most of them. :)

  7. Aw, they are both so cute. But, yes, near impossible to get more than one child to smile in a pic!

    With my 3, I just hope that I can somehow get all three in the shot, even if not one is even looking at me.

  8. That is such a hard thing to capture isn't it?! Loved their pictures and how Jack sort of wrinkles up his nose as he smiles! ;D

  9. My thought when I saw Felicity giving Jack a big smacker on the cheek--Oh, Oh, Girl germs on my face!!!! Man, he looks like Andy!!!

  10. That is the story of my life...trying to get both kids to look at once!! ha!!

  11. I cannot get ONE child to smile for the camera! We went to the pumpkin house display at the arboretum and I could not get one nice picture.

  12. They are all so cute. I liked 36 best... it being fall and all.. :)


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

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