Monday, September 27, 2010

Tomahawk's Fall Ride

Every year we try to get this one last ride in for the season. It is always held in September and the weather is very unpredictable at this time of year. I am a fair weather rider and don't usually ride when it's cooler out but I usually suck it up and go up north every fall for this huge biker's weekend. When we started out it was a bit chilly for me.  I was hoping the colors of the trees would be further along than they were.

But it is worth it once we get there because the number of bikes in this tiny town is unbelievable. The population of Tomahawk is 3,770 people. I was told there were around 40,000 bikes there for the weekend.

This year the event raised $78,000.00 for the MDA.

What a beautiful fall day it was and what an awesome time we had together.


  1. That looks like so much fun! I've never really been on a bike before. I don't know if I'd chicken out or not. :)
    Do the colors seem late to you too? I think the drought is making a big difference down here.

  2. That looks fun to me! There is a big bunch from here with Harleys that do all that too. Looks like good weather too! :D

  3. There is no fall color on the West Coast so I love what you consider not the best. So glad it was mild enough for you to enjoy yourself and what a great cause!

    p.s. Catching up on all my favs tonight and loving all your recent posts. Jack and his Papa are too, too cute and that baby girl is an angel.

  4. What a great ride for a great cause Jules! Love Di ♥

  5. Okay Jules... You make me so nervous taking pictures on that bike!! Sit still and don't wiggle. :)

  6. Glad you guys got to go this year. It is always fun up there and you are right, it is unreal the number of bikes that are there.

  7. Sounds fun...but I've never been on a bike before:) I can imagine it is quite a ride and with everyone around supporting a cause makes it even better!

  8. I LOVE BIKE RALLIES! My dad is a biker, and I have a soft spot in my heart for those big leather clad teddy bears ;)

    My dad is in FL so whenever I see a biker or a Harley sign I miss him even more!

  9. Looks like such fun! One of these days, I'm going to become a biker chick! :)

  10. Glad you were able to get away. Sounds like you had a great time. Our trees are turning up here. Seems prettier than last year already.

  11. I don't think I've ever seen so many motorcycles at one time and all for a great cause. Glad you had a good time.

    PS - I am now private. If you would like to continue reading, please send me your email address so I can invite you. This is temporary until I can get my new blog designed.

  12. I am so impressed with the generosity of the biking community, well done. And great shots!

  13. So glad you had a great time in Tomahawk. We had lots of friend's that were up there for it! I bet it was gorgeous! Have a great week!

  14. 40,000 bikes?! That is astounding. I'm glad you went even though it was a bit chilly.

    Thank you so much for your kind support.

  15. That's lots of bikes, my friend!! I careful taking those pics.

  16. Jules that is so cool. What a fun thing to be involved with. Love the shot of all those bikes. WOWzER

  17. Once upon a time, in a different life (before I was married to my hubby), I went on this run...Wow! Fun to see these pictures!!! That had to be 20 years ago or more!

  18. Holy Cow...that's a lot of bikes!! Looks like a blast!

  19. That is like Sterguess (oooooo ~ spelling?!! ) crazy fun... I love love that so many bikers do so with a cause!

  20. That is unbelievable that so many bikers would turn up for the weekend, that must have been quite a sight and a fun time.

  21. Hi! I popped over from Kat’s blog.

    Wow, you have been married for 27 years! Congratulations! We will make our 25th this coming spring. My husband keeps saying, already, that we have been married 25 years, and I continually tell him not to say that so soon or else when we finally get there, I will be expecting it to be 26 years and 25 years won’t seem so special. Do you know what I mean?

    These are great photos of you and your husband…you are really beautiful!

    You don’t look like a biker kind-of-gal. ☺ I hope that does not sound offensive; it is not meant in any derogatory sort of way. We have a Harley Davidson driving neighbor next door who is the best neighbor – my husband always refers to him as “The
    Gentleman Biker” ☺.


  22. What a wonderful event and so much money raised. This looks like it was a blast. I love biker events even though I don't drive or ride.

  23. Wow, that is a lot of riders compared to residents! How wonderful that the ride is for a good cause and raised so much money and what a great way to welcome in Fall. Glad you had fun and weren't too cold!

  24. That looks like a blast!!! My hubby has been on a big ride before, but I didn't get to go... stayed home with the kiddos. I would love to go on a ride like this!!!! Gorgeous pics! :)

  25. wow! what a great time! and what a lot of bikers! phew!

  26. Sounds like you guys had a great time!


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