Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Look Out Robin Hood

Waaaayyyy back in High School I took archery and loved it. I was pretty good at it too. Then a few years later I started shooting with one of Brian's old bows. I really liked it and again was pretty good at it. Then he sold the bow. I think he was just worried that I was going to become a better shot than him.

Well about 20 more years went by and this past Christmas he bought me my own pink camouflage bow. We finally got it out the other day since bow season for deer started this past Saturday. Even though I don't actually hunt like the rest of my family I love that I get to spend the time with them while they target practice.

Check out the concentration...........

And release..........

I don't ever wear hats but the sun was in my eyes and my hair kept blowing in my face. I think I look like a dork in a hat.

And after practicing for a while, I can do this.

We start them young around here. At first Kylee was practicing with us with her little bow and arrow with the suction cups on them. She was doing alright but it's just not the same. Brian and I bought her a real bow the other day. It's a little tough for her to pull back but she's pretty determined to do it.

(For those of you who don't know Kylee, we have day-cared for her since she was a tiny baby. She is definitely like one of our own.)

And the release.....

She hit the target!

Now all on her own. I love the expression on her face.

She hits the target most of the time but her bow isn't strong enough for them to go into it. They just bounce off. She doesn't care, she just loves shooting with the rest of us big people. Someday she will be a hunter like her Mommy.


  1. I don't think you looked like a dork in the hat at all Jules! But I did get a bit nervous when you were almost pointing that bow at us!!!
    Love Di ♥

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Impressive! I think I must be a weakling because the only time I ever tried, I couldn't even pull it back.

  4. I have always wanted to get a bow and go hunt with my hubby. Maybe next year. You look great, not a dork at all! :)

    Great pics :)

  5. You rock girl...bow in hand. And you look smashing in a hat. No lie!

  6. Oh you are our kind of people! LOL! We love that kind of stuff and you totally rock on the target shooting!!
    Great job!
    Have a fabulous night.

  7. That looks so fun...I want a bow...coolness!

    You look cute in that hat :)

  8. How fun and you do not look like a dork in a hat. You are so cute. Great form too. :)

  9. i think you look adorable in a hat!!!!

  10. This is terrific, and I'm impressed, too!

  11. I know nothing about this sport really, but what I do know is that you know what you are doing! All those arrows on one mark...amazing!!! I have to agree with the others...you make that hat rock.

  12. You look way cuter in a hat then I do! :))

    I use my sons nurf cross bow and target all the time.. and I pretty much rock at it!! :)

  13. You could fill a freezer with that aim. I don't like hats either, why is it some girls are so darn cute in them and I just look like a dork?

  14. Very cool! I haven't ever learned to shoot a bow correctly, but Becca is on her way. Ty's getting pretty good now. Cute pictures. The hat does NOT look bad at all, but I know what you mean. Sometimes I think it's all in the head.

  15. This is awesome! My hubs also shoots a compound bow and loves it! It is WAY heavy for me so i don't really try messing with it too much. I think it's his dream that I'll want to shoot a bow with him someday. He also is a hunter and we're still crossing our fingers for at least one buck this season!

  16. Caps are so IN it's out not to wear one! You look just fine in yours. Looks like you womenfolk are pretty handy with those bows.

  17. You look like a pro!

    My hubby and son are archery pros. We have the bow target in the back yard and while I'm not out there, they certainly are! (So is our neighbor...we let him stop over and use it.) :) How cool that you share that pasttime! My son and hubby used to be on an archery league for years (since my son was about 4 or 5!) when we lived in Eau Claire, but since moving to Hudson they haven't found one...but they are on a trap shooting league - have been for years! That's a great thing they can share. I love that!

    Oh, and you look awesome in a hat!

  18. I was thinking that you looked really great in a hat!
    That looks like fun. I've only shot a bow and arrow at scout camp. I love how Kylee is so intense!
    Those pure sweetness pics are way too cute! Those flowers on her head are precios!

  19. Wow - you are a really good shot!! (and you totally rock the hat!)

  20. You're one hell of a Grandma!!
    And you aren't the least bit dorky!!


  21. Just look at you! You are way more woman that I am, that's for sure! Woo hoo...way to go, girl!

  22. So fun!! Love the pictures of you. And a pink camo bow!? Love it!

  23. SO COOL!! FUN!! those are hard to do!! I feel like a dork in hats too... but I love them! I picked up a BB Gun for the first time in years a few months ago... and now I want a pink one from Big 5!! ha ha! ;)

  24. You look like a natural out there! And a pink bow..that is awesome (not that I hunt or anything! lol) And I love the pic of Kaylee and your hubby right after they released her arrow...the look of their hands...and I think you look great in a hat.

  25. wow that's pretty impressive! You look cute in a hat!!

  26. First, you do NOT look like a dork. You just couldn't if you tried.

    Second, archery is this huge dream of mine!! I have always wanted to try it, but I never have. I have no idea why!! You look great... like a real Robin hood. :)


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

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