Felicity wears a lot of hats.
Some are actually functional.
And necessary.
But sometimes it's all about the style.
Sometimes she's not happy in her hat.
Ok. I guess this isn't really a hat, but it's still cute.
Sometimes her "wardrobe" may not be too cool, but her hat still is.
And sometimes she wears tutus on her head and calls it a hat.
Lots of hats actually match her dresses.
Then of course she has her bonnet from the Amish store. Yep, a genuine homemade Amish bonnet. It has a lot of benefits. It keeps the sun off her pure white skin. It keeps the uncontrollable wind out of her infection prone ears. And of course............she's just too cute in it. .
I have a really fun surprise for all of you who have left comments about how much you like her Amish bonnet................................................
I have four brand new ones to give away!
Three of them are the same size and the top right one is a newborn size. It is so cute I can't stand it! Your little girl will start the newest bonnet trend in your area. All you have to do is leave a comment. That's it and your name will go in the drawing. I will have Felicity draw the names on Wednesday night at 5pm. Now leave a comment and go tell all your friends to do the same.