Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I know I have been MIB (missing in blogworld) for the last couple weeks. The weather is getting a little nicer and the itch for playing in the dirt is strong. My little bleeding hearts are the first thing to peek out around here. I am so ready to ditch my sweatshirts but just can't seem to cut them loose yet when it is only in the 50s.....


  1. I feel you I am ready to plant plant plant


  2. brrrr...only in the 50's...YIKES! We have already had 3 days in the 80's and it's gonna be that again this I will be headin out on the boat!

  3. Good to see you back. Losing sweatshirts in the 50's are you kidding me? It has to get well into the 70's for me to do so and even though yesterday it got into the 80's here I still had a blanket over me watching Glee last night (so glad the new show is finally on!)

  4. I haven't been real consistent about blogging, either. Just so much to do it seems! We're having 80 degree weather here in Atlanta and I'm lovin' it!

  5. I've been missing, too and feel your itch. We're in Sunny SoCal and I am wearing a turtleneck today. Spring needs to get here soon - we're having a party in a few weeks and I need some new color in the front yard!!!

  6. I understand your urge completely! It was 86 here today. I actually had to stop and sit as it was just too hot in the sun! And it's only April!
    Love Di ♥

  7. You for sure don't want to miss any opportunity to go dig in the dirt...perfect time of year for that!

  8. We have been busy doing outdoor things too but hanging onto the sweatshirts and hoodies too.

  9. YES!! Finally outside and enjoying it.

  10. I think we're all a little MIB lately.

  11. Since it is in the 50s, I'm guessing the neighborman is running around naked now. 80s here in NC - makes me want to head down to the beach soon.

  12. This is the best time of year to get out and start planting and watching everything bloom.

  13. I am always behind!!! Love when you are here!!

  14. Glad that it's starting to warm up for you! We're all warm here and loving it!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...