Friday, April 30, 2010

Flashback Friday

Here's some more gems I found this week. These were actually Polaroid pictures so the quality is really terrible. The pictures actually peeled apart when I was scanning them.

We may have been weird, but we sure knew how to have fun when we were together. These are some of the same friends from this post I did last August. I would have to say we look much better in our forties than we did as teens.

What is with that cowboy hat?


  1. I love it when my mom pulls out older photos. Thanks for sharing. They are so neat to see what things were like in the past!

  2. Are y'all still friends? It may not be a lot better but I have definitely gotten better with age too.

  3. How great is that!! I can tell who you are from your beautiful smile.

    It is so great to have a group of friends like that!

  4. I just look at your pictures and see myself - the clothes, the hair, the everything. Thanks for sharing and reminding me of my youth - so far away is it now I sometimes have trouble remembering :-)

  5. Oh my word those are so fun! I remember taking silly pictures with my high school friends. What memories. Love the hat:)
    I'm having a giveaway today at my blog if you can stop by.

  6. Thanks for sharing. They are so neat to see what things were like in the past!
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  7. My that hair is so retro! I too have some Polaroids that are "cracking". Unfortunately they are all of my son when he was a baby. I should make copies of them before they all fall apart and put them on a disk.
    Love Di ♥

  8. Ha ha ha... cowboy hat! I remember that my big fad during one phase of my teens was wearing a sailor hat... what a dork I was. LOL

    The Blue Ridge Gal


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Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...