Monday, March 19, 2012

Confused Mother...

Nature that is...

It's hard to believe that only 22 days ago Jack went ice fishing with Papa. It was a "normal" cold February day in Wisconsin.

Ice fishing is one of Brian's favorite things to do. And since I won't go with him (because I am a total cold weather wimp) he gets to spend his fishing time with his dad, friends and now his little Jack.

Super Cuteness

This pic doesn't have anything to do with ice fishing or our unbelievable warm weather but I just couldn't resist showing it to you all.

The past week has been extremely warm here. Our "normal" temperatures in March are 40s and maybe a 50 once in a while. But this year....70s in March! This is May weather for us. I feel like we are going to still get one more big snow storm. Our snow is completely gone and I've turned off the heat and the windows have been open every day. This is absolutely unreal but this warm weather girl is lovin' it!


  1. really cute granddaughter! :)

    that is really crazy warm weather this early! i remember having 50 degree parties in may in Wis. in my youth! :)

  2. Yes, it is way above this month!1 We hit 80* here in north central Wisconsin on Saturday, March 17- an all time high for us!!!! Makes me wonder what we will get in July????? The pix of Haddie is soooo much Haddie--so precious!!!

  3. Your grandkids just keep getting cuter! Your weather is a lot like ours here in Georgia. We've hit the 80's for the past week and there's more to come! YAY!!!

  4. Your granddaughter is SO CUTE! And how fun for the two guys to go ice fishing! :)

    Sounds like you've got some great weather going on there right now. That's awesome!

    Usually Vegas is warm right now, but for the past few days it's been chilly and not very nice. Who woulda guessed?!! This week it's supposed to get nicer though, so I'm glad about that. I ♥ nice,warm Spring weather.

    Have a great week!

  5. I think everybody is having great weather. We're almost in the 90s here and have been for a few weeks. Love springtime but we have a terrible mess of pollen covering everything.

  6. That fist picture made me shiver!
    We had a fabulously warm day here as well.
    It needs to stay!

    Uh, that little sweet picture of that little sweetheart is too darling for words! Love those eyes!

  7. Super Cuteness for sure!! We were near 80 Degrees today. I was working out in that yard all day!!!
    Enjoy your Spring Jules!!
    Love Di ♥

  8. I would be a wimp because the ice scares me! That is such a great thing though...and that little doll is SO SO cute! :)

  9. I'm with you about the cold weather! I know we probably needed it here in the south, to kill bugs, but I've enjoyed this winter. I like your blog site.

  10. Hey darlin', I was thinkin' 'bout ya today and just wanted to drop by and wish ya a very happy Mother's Day weekend!

    God bless! :o)


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...