Monday, January 30, 2012

Papa's Girls

His little girls smile at him
with unbridled joy
just cause it's him.
They don't care if he's old
or grey, or creaks a little
when he walks up the stairs.

They think he's funny
when he's just goofy.
And they play horsey
with a guy who is slow to get up
let alone catch a little girl.

They play games
and they snuggle with him.
Cause they love him
and he loves them.

They run to him when there's trouble
with Mom or Dad.
Though he won't interfere
it's nice to know
they think he might.

They like him to read them books
and he likes it too.
Because he loves books
and them.

They claim "his chair" as theirs
because all he has belongs to them
and we all know that.

They spill stuff
they break things
they're often noisy
don't always mind
sometimes sassy
and make him wonder
why he ever cared
about any of that.

His daughter was his sun
and moon and stars
rolled up into one.

And she still is
because of two little girls.


  1. That is absolutely darling! I love those pictures.
    It looks like pure joy for both of them, such great expressions!

  2. You didn't have to say a word...I can see it in their eyes and his. (Loved your words though, very sweet!) :D

  3. So sweet. Those girls are so blessed to have him. (And you!) So often grandchildren don't have grandparents like that. It is irreplaceable.

  4. Oh how sweet Jules. What a wonderful Grandpa Brian makes! And those sweet little girls will always have their "Rock" to lean on!
    Love Di ♥

  5. Very sweet and sooooo true, but we call him Papoo at this house.

  6. So sweet and nice! I love the pictures...adorable!

    Have a great day!

  7. Wonderful post. Your grandchildren are blessed.

  8. Oh, that is so precious! Makes me get so excited about having grandbabies one day!

  9. They are lucky to have a Papa who is crazy about them. He looks so happy around his girls.

  10. so super sweet. I can't believe how big the girls are!!

  11. This is just beautiful, Jules...I love it. My kids felt the same way about my FIL--You can see how they adore each other from the photos, which we treasure today (years after his passing).


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...