Monday, November 7, 2011

Grandparents Day @ Pre-K

This fall Felicity started 3 year old pre-school. She only goes one day a week for three hours. It is amazing what their little brains can soak up in such  a short time.

This week they had grandparents day. They sang a couple songs and had juice and cookies. The program lasted a whole 5 minutes and it was so darn cute.

I took some more pics but only had my little camera with me so of course they are kind of blurry.

So sweet.
There are only five kids in the class
and a couple of the boys wouldn't do the little dance....


  1. You two are two peas in the same pod for great that you could be there! :D

  2. What a fun day for Felicity...(it sure starts early with that "boy" stuff, doesn't it?? Too funny they didn't wanna "do the dance!") And I know this about Felicity - but I'm saying it anyway - you're too young and much to beautiful to look anything like a grandma!!! ;o) Happy Monday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. I can't wait to be a Grandma! ...5 more months!!

  4. Great photo of the two of the way, you look much too young to be a grandma :)

  5. Felicity was so cute Jules. I wish my Jack was doing as well. He keeps getting in trouble. I told my DIL that maybe he's just not ready for school yet. Three is so young to go everyday!
    Anyway Felicity looks very well behaved!! Love Di ♥

  6. So CUTE!!! My boys had grandparents day too a few weeks ago!!!

  7. Love the big, bright classroom. I know you were proud of her...looks like she is catching on fast.

  8. I'd say you can easily pass as mama.. not grandmama.
    She is such a cutie!

  9. Very sweet, and cute! You are a very young grandma!!

    The school where my grandchildren attend has a Grandparents Day lunch at their school every year. You bring your own lunch and sit with them in the cafeteria and enjoy lunch with them. It is a special time...:)

    You have some adorable grandkids!!



Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...