Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ready to Ride

I am so ready to see this view.....

 While riding with this guy...

(These pictures are from May last year. We haven't gone yet this year.)


  1. Cute. It looks like you guys have fun! Good for you.

    Stopping by from SITS (from Texas)

  2. Love the photos. You both look so free and happy. Hope you had a great ride.

  3. Love these pics. I'm not from WI but my husband is and his dad still lives there. My FIL worked for Harley for most of his adult life.

    Also a SITS stalker.

  4. We can't wait as well! Hubs is planning on getting his inspection sticker this weekend...then we'll be ready to go!!!

  5. cute pictures, but I woul dbe terrified to ride on one of those things....I love my seatbelt! :O)

  6. Even though we don't have a bike....we love to "ride" too in our TT. Glad everyone lets us come with even though we have a convertible and not a bike. I totally understand your excitement though. So much fun....can't wait for our road trip to FL!

  7. I would love to ride! Room or 3?

  8. Enjoy your ride when you get to go!

  9. Looks like Daddy bought a Harley about 4 years ago and decided he and his buddy would ride the outskirts of the county..touching every outlying state. It took them 6 weeks...and let's just say...they had the ride of their lives:)

  10. Oh fun! Reminds me of my youth!! What I can remember of it anyway :-)

  11. Oh fun! Reminds me of my youth!! What I can remember of it anyway :-)

  12. Soon, Jules, soon!
    Love Di ♥

  13. hI jULEs~

    what a darling post... LOVE IT. Love the pic. of you two on the bike.

    I also love the easter egg post, and pics. Jack is a doll, all that chub and hair, so cute and fun.. ENJOY! Jenn ;)

  14. You're going to get bugs in your teeth...but it'll be worth it! LOL Come say hi :D

  15. It's getting closer to that time everyday! Enjoy the ride...when it happens.

  16. Enjoy... whenever you hit the road!

  17. YOu are both so fun....I hope you get to ride soon!

  18. Something I have never done but people sure enjoy it. Hope you get to do it soon!

  19. I used to love to sit on the back of a motorcycle! in my youth when I knew 'guys' who had them! sort of... ahem!! anyway!! Fun!

    I just wanted to tell you I am giving away a book you mentioned you wanted on From the Beginning's post about chocolate sheet cake... just saying!!
    Come visit me today!! =) wink wink!

  20. No way! Too scary for me. I'll stick to four wheels - although it does strangely look like fun :)

  21. I admire that you like to ride a motorcyle. I'm too chicken, although I did when I was in high school many years ago. You make it look like fun.

  22. Looks like tons of fun and good times!

  23. That's one thing about my kids growing up that I am looking forward to, riding in good conscience...

  24. You are two foxy bikers... I tell ya! Better get out there times a tickin':)

  25. Looks like so much fun! I was only on a motorcycle once when I was really young and don't even remember it. I did work in a bike shop for a summer though. I've always wanted to ride one again sometime.

  26. I love these pictures...the hat too!!
    There's quite a few Harley men in my family, not me though...I was always the big baby!

  27. It looks like you guys have fun! Good for you.
    post free classified ads

  28. Maybe it won't be too much longer!

  29. You guys are adorable...what a great picture...


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 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...