Friday, April 16, 2010

Flashback Friday . . . sorry Connie

While looking for Flashback pictures I cam across this set of priceless pieces of art. I couldn't post just one, the whole set had to be shown. Of course the quality is terrible but I still get a kick out of them. Check out my Budweiser beer shirt.....

Those were the days...not a care in the world.

Update: Connie is my cousin.


  1. I just love the posing for the camera! Once again I had the exact same hairstyle at the age I am judging you to be here. Does than mean we were trend setters, trend followers or just plain untrendy?!?

  2. Those are great Jules. It good you've got them to look back on.

  3. Cute pictures...I agree about those years being the best EVER!

  4. Those are so honestly look like you don't have a care in the world...those were the days!

    Have a great weekend Jules!

  5. First, I want to say I agree with the first comment; she IS gonna kill you.

    Second, I need to take credit for these wonderful pictures since I was the photographer. (Kidding)

  6. Those are better than priceless. And seriously, where did you get that shirt?

  7. Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog! I have you in my faves now so I can keep up with yours too!

  8. Hahaha fun! Love flashback friday!

  9. I love it. I have so many pictures like that of me and my friends. Just random silliness. Love it.

  10. Oh I love love old pictures like those!! from the 70's!!?? is Connie a sister or friend? he he =) yep... I lived back then too! ha ha! great times! ran the streets, walked on train tracks, came home when the street lights came on... fun times! (don't ever want to go back... but fun~)

  11. How fun! Always a blast to stroll down memory lane!


  12. You are right SHE is going to kill you and I am the SHE!!! Those are so funny we thought we were something then..... hair parted down the middle and feathered back without one out of place. But if I remember correctly we did have lots of cares in the world or so we thought they were a big deal then, if we only knew then what we know now! Thanks for the memories

    Love, Connie

  13. Its fun to go down memory lane.

  14. Those were the days!! I think I wore my hair like that but was older!! Great happy pictures!!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...