Monday, April 26, 2010

Catching Up

We colored eggs a few days before Easter, (I know, I'm a little late with this one). Felicity loved it and was actually pretty good at it.

But she did NOT like her hands being dirty. She's a princess, you know.

After a week of our house being "plugged in" we finally got all the power and phone lines buried again. There sure was a lot of equipment and men here, but it only took an hour!

When Brian mowed the lawn for the first time last week he found a nest of baby bunnies right in the grass.

I got to spend the last two days with this face. We had a great time, just the two of us.

And finally.....Jack is really smiling a lot now. I love when a baby's personality starts to show.

I bet he made you smile...........


  1.'s still April isn't it?! How fun to spend time with her and how fun when babies start to smile! Cutest little bunnies in the grass..a nice Easter surprise! Come say hi :D

  2. I just love Jack stinkin adorable!!!!!

    I had no idea you would still be without power...YIKES! Glad you are back up and running!

  3. Aw he did make me smile!!! so cute!! I didn't realize bunnies made sweet!

  4. oh the bunnies how cute!!!! I love all the pictures


  5. What beautiful pictures - glad your house is now all fixed up and that you got to spend some fun time with your grandchildren.

  6. Oh my word did he ever...make me smile! So precious and just look at all that hair.

  7. Jack is a sweetheart! Felicity too. Love that 'she is a princess' comment! Lol.

  8. Great pictures and yes they made me smile! She does look like a pretty little princess and he looks like a cute little man!!

  9. Your grandchildren are so cute. I love it too when you genuinely know they are smiling because they are happy. Cute pictures.

  10. Yes he did make me smile! You have beautiful grandchildren Jules! I am so happy that you are all plugged in again,hope they don't charge for all of that work! Love Di ♥

  11. Lovely grandchildren. I love all his hair...LOL - I love spending time with my grandbabies too.

  12. You are one lucky Grandma! Smiling babies are the best :) Glad your household is back to normal. It's such a pain when anything is out of order. At least they were able to "plug" you in. Have a great week.

  13. April has flown by! I still have Easter stuff hanging around!

    That little Jack has better hair than most adults I know!

  14. Sounds like you've been busy! And yes, he made me smile. What a cutie!

  15. Where is the month going. What sweet pictures. They all made me smile. OK, especially that baby one!

  16. These photos are so beautiful. I feel something akin to nostalgia, despite never having children of my own. Thanks for sharing, you've really highlighted the simple things in life


  17. Jack is definitely a cutie!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...