Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I've been desperately waiting for spring to arrive here in Wisconsin. The temps have been hitting 50 degrees. There have been people walking around in tshirts and shorts. Not this chick! I need at least 70 degrees to stop wearing sweatshirts.

Brian took my camera out yesterday to capture spring around here. The first picture he took was this robin. Yahoo! That means spring is here.....right?

Then he took a picture of this beautiful sunset. You can see the neighbors barn off to the right.

An old fencepost with the barbed wire still attached to it.

This is one of my gardens in the backyard. As you notice the grass is still brown and there are no signs of growth in these flowers.

Good night moon.

A parting shot of that robin still singing up in a tree, waiting for the sun to warm him in the morning.


  1. sending sunshine your way! what a lovely sunset!!! it is warm here, but the ticks are going CRAZY double ew.

  2. Hi to Wisconsin! I grew up there! I'm now in the southwest and enjoying blossoming trees, tulips, daffodils, etc. You're almost there! :-)
    (stopping by from SITS)

  3. Jules,

    Those pics are amazing!

    Happy Spring!

    p.s. I am sooo with you on the shorts. It's got to be much warmer!

  4. I need the 70's to put on flip flops and capri pants too! Getting a little sick of the cold here in MO. We had almost 12 inches of snow on the ground Sunday, and yesterday it was in the 60's. I think the birds are a little mad!

  5. Great pictures! I love the Robin at the top of the tree and the sunset is amazing!

    I must say it is a bit warmer in the Craolina's and I am all ready sporting the soon as it gets aboyve 50 my toes have to come out! :O)

  6. I totally relate to having a chilly spring and not wanting to wear T-shirts and shorts yet. I tell my kids to put on warmer clothes because it makes me cold to look at them. Maybe we Wisconsites can console ourselves that if we lived in a warmer place, we'd go through sunscreen faster.

  7. Hubs is really good with the camera. I am wanting spring too. It is nice today. But I still need a coat.

  8. Just beautiful photos Jules. I loved the sunset. Spring is on her way there! Love Di ♥

  9. Temperatures here in GA. have been in the low 70's and it's been HEAVENLY! I always enjoy looking at your beautiful pictures!

  10. Robin's mean springtime (to me) unless you live in Louisiana-When they show up there it's Fall time!


  11. Oh, we're searching for signs of spring here too. It's just a rollercoaster right now.

  12. You know what's amazing? That you let your husband use the camera. I make mine sign a contract before touching mine!! (Just kidding of course) Your photos are great, and I'm so happy Spring is on it's way!!

  13. Lovely photos. Since there is no spring here in Florida it's nice to be reminded that the world is beautiful, even if it's elsewhere :)

  14. Great pictures! I hope it warms up for you soon. And for that little birdie.

  15. The pictures he took are great! I hope it warms up for you guys soon. We are expecting temps in the 80s this weekend!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...