Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Morning Reading

Every once in a while we are blessed to have Felicity spend the night at our house.

When she gets up she heads right to Papa with her blanket. She crawls up next to him while he reads his Bible.

She points to the pages and jibbers in her little language.

Papa finally gives in and reads a Dr. Suess book. I love how she has to have her blanket, her baby, and her baby's blanket with her.


  1. Those reading times together are the best. Sarah and I had one again this past weekend. Only now she's reading to me! Love Di ♥

  2. Those memories of coming and finding her Papa reading his bible is one that she will never forget. What a great example. Nothing like finishing off with Dr. Seuss too. ;-) Special memories.

  3. Aww...what special moments!!!

  4. That is adorable. We are hopefully sending our four over to my inlaws soon. The kids love to sleep over but they have never had all four....

  5. how sweet. I love her pjs. I wish I could get away with wearing pjs with feet in them!

  6. Totally sweet. We all love to read togethr too!

  7. That age is so precious.. I love it when the first wake up and want the cuddles! Too cute.

  8. sweet! I love reading to children, it's so cozy! Come say hi :D

  9. She just fits there in the little corner!! Must be a Dr. Suess week, Tonya is doing green eggs and ham for her class. They are the most fun books to read too.

  10. what a cutie patootie!!!! that is precious.

  11. I just cantt wait for those days!!! I just ove this posat! xoxo LA

  12. AAWWW...What a special time between a grandpa and grandbaby! Sweet pics

  13. Aww.....that is so sweet! It's so cute that she makes sure her baby has her blanket!

  14. I know how you love it!! Our grandson spent the night last night!! Your granddaughter is a cutie!!

  15. That is so sweet!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

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