Monday, March 8, 2010

Honor Thy Soldier

Last week my sister posted a story about my Dad and the group of soldiers he is a part of through our local VFW. The Commander shouting out the commands and saluting is our Dad. It was such a touching post that I want to share it with you. The video here is also posted on her blog, but I had to share it again. Please go read her post here.


  1. When my dad passed away 2 1/2 years ago at the age of 82, he had military funeral honors. It was the most touching service I have ever attended and I'm certain that my dad was up in Heaven beaming from ear to ear.

  2. The post brought tears to my eyes. Military really are family that are there even in the end. Beautiful post your sister did.
    Thanks so much for sharing it.


  3. I am so thankful for brave men who give of themselves...your dad is a hero! :D

  4. Yes, he is a hero! As I watched our National Guards last weekend saying goodbye to Medford,I was flooded with flashbacks from when he was over in Korea. Even today when I made a new post, it was like yesterday--

  5. What respect for such a hero. That was awesome it gave me goose bumps.

  6. Military moments are so special. Thanks for sharing! What a fun thing to treasure.

  7. As an "Army Brat" that is my worst nightmare. My Dad has been in the Army my entire life, and has served in three wars. I loved this post, and thanks to you and your sister for posting it.

    Dropping by from SITS, have a wonderful day!

  8. What a touching post! My brother is retiring this year after 20 years in the Army.

  9. so sorry for your loss. I couldnt do the video it still brings me back to my dad who passed at 39. We come from a long line of military family. My husband will be going to bct soon.


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...