Tuesday, October 4, 2011


 Why are all three of my grandchildren sitting on my lap?

 Because I have chocolate frosted Rice Krispy treats!

 Needless to say I didn't get to eat much of them.

I wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. Every time I see a pic of you all I can think is "she does NOT look old enough to be a grandma!"

  2. How cute1 And I know, it feels like feeling little birds! ;D

  3. YOu are so pretty...glad you got to share with your three favorite little ones. So cute.

  4. Hi Jules!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment! I love chocolate covered rice crispy treats too, and your grands are adorable! Nothing better than sharing sweets with "sweets"!

    I love the idea of Meet Me on Monday - maybe I'll play too!


  5. I'd sit in your lap for one of those too! ;o) Adorable photos - you're as cute as those little ones! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. What a gorgeous family! I bet they would be on your lap even if you didn't have sweets.

  7. Don't ya just hate an empty lap!!! With eight it rarely happens! What fun!

    God bless ya sweetie!!!

  8. Hi there, I have to say you look more like you are their mom than their grandma....you look like you are just thirty. Loved seeing your grands too. Isn't life just so wonderful with grandkids!

  9. Chocolate gets them everytime! You have a beautiful family xo Just started following you on fb as well..Michelle

  10. Hi Jules!
    You are cuter than a bug's ear! And so are your grandbabies! You don't look old enough to be their Grandma!

  11. Hi Jules,

    Thanks for stopping by SWB. I am drawn to cute grandmas and adorable grands and found both here. Thanks for throwing in chocolate covered treats too. I'l be back!

  12. I have never heard of chocolate covered rice crispy treats! Simply brilliant! Pretty sure my life will never be the same.

    Thanks for stopping by, I have enjoyed wandering around on your blog.
    You are beautiful. Definitely Not old enough to have grandchildren.

  13. First off, they are absolutely precious! They look JUST LIKE YOU.. you could easily pass for their mama and you look so young... (NOT that you aren't but you know what I mean!) Love those nails.. candy corn?

  14. So cute, and looks like so much fun!

    And I ♥ the candy corn nails... super cool!

  15. Wait...are you sure you're really a GRANDMA? I am definitely not convinced! I am lovin' those nails of yours...super duper CUTE!

  16. I was going to say..."you look like the Mom" but it seems everyone already posted that!
    It's so true though!!

  17. What a sweet brood you have there...little blondies...you don't need any goodies - you have those sweeties right there on your lap! What a nice way to spend your time!

  18. How does the saying go?? There is always room for one more on Grandma's lap! Love that you are able to share in so much with your grandkids.

  19. How much cuteness can you fit on a Grandma's lap?!?! So sweet. It looks like they (the treats) were finger lickin' good too.

  20. Pretty cute moochers if you ask me! I'd give in too.

  21. can't beat grandchildren and chocolate...great combo!

  22. Hey, when it comes to chocolate...I am right there waiting in line too. It looks like everyone was having a yummy time.

    Your candy corn finger nails are cute. I bet the grandkids love them! :)

    Have a wonderful day!


  23. Laura's first comment was EXACTLY what I was thinking!!! There's no way. You're hiding something. And I'm not talking about rice krispie treats! Did you get married when you were TEN???

  24. Wow, you are an even younger looking grandma than I am. Congratulations on your beautiful grandbabies.


Leave me some sugar........

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 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...