Friday, October 7, 2011

Little Frankies

 A few of you commented on my "candy corn" nails in my last post so I decided to show you my latest creation. I can't take the credit for the idea, I found a tutorial on youtube. It was actually very easy to do since I have zero artistic talent. The hardest part was painting my right hand. Does anyone else have a VERY uncoordinated left hand?

I found a whole new world of nail art. Now I just need to grow some nails so I can try some of the really cool ones. This pic is my hand with Kylee's on top.

 Then once Felicity saw my nails she had to have hers done.
It's a bit tougher with these tiny little nails.

 And then she had to have her toes done...
there was NO WAY I was going to try to paint those faces 
on those little specks of toenail.
So she got polka dots.

And one last shot of my hand with Felicity's on top.
I can't wait to go find my next nail art project.....


  1. Those are the cutest!! I do love the candy corn nails. I think I could pull those off lol!

  2. SUPER COOL Jules! Those are so awesome! You are very creative. I don't think I could pull off what you did!

    I have to ask....did you use a nail paint marker or bottle paint with a thin brush? I've GOT TO KNOW! And where are you finding the ideas?

    I am amazed! They look great :)

  3. So fun!!!

    Hey - - - figure out how to do Bucky Badger 'cause that's what I want on MY nails!!!

    On Wisconsin!

  4. Those are cute! I'm going to have to go look at your last post to see you nails.

  5. Oh my word! My daughters name is Frankie and we JUST had a conversation today about dressing her up like Frankenstein for Halloween!

  6. Those are the best nails ever! I can't wait to try them on my youngest! Thanks for stopping by my blog...I am adding you to my friends your site :)

  7. How in the world do you have time or patience for this?!? I can barely get my nails done in one solid color and still have enough time for them to drive. Some almost always end up getting smudged because I had to go to bed or because I had to drive or because a little person touched it. :)

  8. They look great and I love the hand pictures. So sweet.


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...