Monday, October 10, 2011

Don't Wish it Away

We've been having absolutely beautiful weather here for the past week. I've been trying to take in every bit of these 80 degree days. I know they are coming to an end and it will be a long 7 -8 months before they come again.

Since the colors are so gorgeous we got out there and took a lot of family pictures. This is one of my favorites from the week. It was actually just a quick shot I took as we were walking into the woods on our way to the "posed" pictures. (Which I will be sharing later this week.)

It is hard for me to believe that my baby has his own little precious gift from God. I remember so vividly the days of him holding his Daddy's hand like this.

I know how it is when your children are small and you can't wait until they are older so they could "take care of themselves more."  Take it from me....."Don 't EVER wish your children older." It will happen so fast it will make your head spin. Soak up EVERY second with them when they are little. I know that is my motto with my grandchildren. Don't sweat the small stuff and my BIGGEST motto for raising children......"Pick your battles."


  1. So true Julie. My oldest turns 13 this Friday...cannot believe it! Such a great photo ;)

  2. I couldn't agree more. Time goes so fast. Enjoying the moment has never been more important to me than it is right now. We have had a lot of death and sadness going on in our community lately. Its been really hard and has made me want to hold my babies all the more.

    We are blessed Jules! I agree with picking your battles.. and believe it or not there really are other ways of doing things than our way... LOL!

  3. Hi Jules!
    I couldn't agree more. I can honestly say I've never wished it away with Jeven and have tried soaking up every single second, and for that I am so grateful. I just can't believe she is no longer my baby. Seems just yesterday I was having her and now she is 13!
    I love the picture by the's precious!

  4. Amen and Amen.
    I am not sure where the years went!

    That is a great picture. Such a gorgeous spot to do photos.

  5. I agree with that motto too...and I still hold my BIG babies like they were my little ones, still. I love this picture, it says it all. :D

  6. I just want to say that I love this post. I have just recently been strongly convicted in my heart of doing just that. I've been wishing my kids to grow a little faster so they wouldn't be so dependent on me. So I could get more stuff done and keep a more organized house. I realized that none of those things really matter! What matters most is me giving my time to my kids and nurturing them and giving them a good childhood. I'm in the process of putting all those thoughts down and putting up a post about it. It's hard to write about though when God starts showing you all the ways you have neglected your children in the name of productivity. It's heart breaking and I hope to never fall into that trap again! Thanks for this wonderful post and for sharing your wisdom with us!

  7. Seriously wonderful photo Jules - and such wise, wise, words....It's so easy to "wish it away" when they are small and you are being pulled in a million different direction - but no bigger regret will you have down the road. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead...Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. Motto's to live by!!! My first baby will be graduating this next year, and it boggles my mind how fast it has gone. Thanks for the reminder today to enjoy every second.

  9. oh right you are! that is a PRECIOUS picture! i can't wait to see the others! what a wonderful sure goes too fast...and i've certainly learned early on to pick my battles...especially when it comes to emily's choice in style! ha! ;-)

  10. My 13 year old was laying on my lap the other day, and I just ate it up. Time goes by way to fast. We have been having some beautiful weather here, too, and I'm hoping it will last the rest of the month. Love the picture!

  11. It is crazy to me how much these two look alike - even from behind! It appears to me that they even walk the same! : ) Love it! Love it!

  12. You are so right! Time passes much too quickly!!!

    Love the photo :)

  13. Good grief!! Now I'm teary-eyed! I don't like to think of my babies growing up. I wish I could bottle up these days but I can't. Love the picture!

  14. that is SO sweet!

    you are such a girlie girl! those nails are too funny!!! :)

  15. Love the picture. I hope that we get a few more warm days too before the winter sets in.
    Time does fly. I can't believe I will have two in double digits soon. Ugh.


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...