Monday, May 16, 2011

A Year Ago Today

 I really didn't have anything to blog about today so I went back into my file from May 2010. It's amazing how these little ones have changed in a year.

Felicity has really lost her baby looks from this picture to today. I can't believe she is almost three already.

And then little Jack-man. What a handsome little guy he was a year ago at only 2 1/2 months old.
What a personality he has turned out to have! 

I guess it must have been sunny that day.....they both had their shades on...

(...even though both pics were taken indoors. What's up with that?)


  1. They are just too cool to not wear shades! I enjoy looking back at pictures myself...sometimes it is hard to remember them being that small.

  2. Too precious. Times flies by...

  3. Lovin' those cool shades! Don't you wish time would just stand still?

  4. But the shades are cute anywhere. :) Look at those two cuties. They are getting big.

  5. The passage of time is so evident in the little ones. They are so adorable!

  6. It is amazing to me too how your little grands have grown so fast! Felicity is now looking like such a little lady! :D

  7. They are adorable! And I can't believe my grandson Jack will be three next month! Where does the time go Jules? Love Di ♥

  8. So CUTE!! Time just seems to fly right by. My daughter turns 13 tomorrow and it seems just yesterday she was a little toddler running all around!

  9. So cute! Time definitely goes by fast!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...