Friday, May 20, 2011

Dandelion Bouquet

Dandelion Bouquet

A humble offering
That bruised bootie of yellow, scruffy weeds
Some bent, heads drooping,
Clasped in a chubby, dirt stained hand
Stretched out in hopeful expectation
Of a smile from her goddess
Waiting for a glowing message
From the center of her universe
That she is wonderful
That her gift has pleased.

So it rests in a place of honor
Enshrined amidst the kitchen clutter
Tenderly displayed in a jelly jar.

Together they enjoy the beauty, the thought and the gift.
The moment lasts beyond the wilting flowers
In the memory of the upraised face
So deserving of love
So happy to share
The sunshine of her dandelion day.


  1. What a cute little poem.

  2. Adorable, and brings me back to the days my two used to bring me dandelion bouquets, and I in fact always kept them in a jelly jar because that's exactly what my grandmother did when I was little. Funny how some of the best things never change.. thankfully.

  3. Out in the gazebo just yesterday our group of ladies talked about how all our children used to bring us bouquets of dandelions and we would put them in a jar on the table. I remember sometimes you girls would have a yellow nose from trying to find a good smell in them.

  4. your new blog look is soooo cute!!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...