Friday, May 27, 2011

A Walk Around My Yard

 Spring is finally peaking its head out here in Wisconsin. One of my favorite trees are the flowering crab trees. The pinks are so bright and beautiful. It is just too bad they don't last very long.

 I bought this grassy plant at a nearby nursery the other day. It is so fine with little ball-like things at the ends.

 Here's another shot of the flowering crab. Can you notice the lighter green leaves in there? A couple years ago we noticed some big green apples growing in there. Somehow an apple tree started growing right inside of the flowering crab tree. How does that even happen?

 There are frost warnings here for tonight so all my baskets of flowers had to spend the night in the garage. (The ones in the buckets have pointy bottoms so they don't stand on their own. They really are super cute baskets.)

Yep....I drive a VW beetle. I'm cool like that.

 Bleeding hearts are so calming to me. They remind me of my Grandmother.

 This little lilac is still trying to bloom. Maybe it just didn't bring it's parka.....brrrr.

I absolutely love the smell of lilacs. These white ones look so pure and serene.
 The garden is planted.
Hopefully the frost doesn't get the June.

 I just loved how the sunset looked on this tree.

 Does anyone know what kind of bird this is? I've never seen one like it before.

And finally, the apple trees have blossoms for the first time!

Can you tell I am anxiously waiting for some warmer weather...
Soon, very soon.


  1. First, Yeah for spring.. glad your finally seeing it.
    Secondly.. I love the beetle!
    AND thirdly.. I have garage envy. Yours is so clean, shiny, organized.. and look at that floor!!

  2. Beautiful! I love lilacs...and hate that they don't last longer. I've always wanted to dry them, but haven't had luck.
    That is crazy about the apple tree. Is it a graft that took off? Do you make crab apple jelly?
    Your hanging baskets are beautiful too. Your yard reminds me of my parents. Not to hurry these days by, but I do look forward to having time to water my plants. :)

  3. Ok, I just can't believe how clean and organized your garage is!
    I am so glad spring has finally come here. I took my plants in too last night but luckily we stayed at about 40 degrees.
    I hope were done with that, enough already!
    Happy Memorial Weekend,

  4. I'm with you on the waiting for spring it's been way too long since I've seen shorts and t-shirt weather. The apple tree is what the crab tree was grafted from. And that bird, yeah not such a good bird to have around. I've had many bad experiences with those birds but I can't share the stories as they might send PETA after me. They are mean and they nest close to the ground so they divebomb the grandchildren when they play near the nest, it's really bad when the babies are hatched. If she's making a nest I'd decide for them that it's not the right spot :)

  5. You sure captured a lot of beauty around your yard, Jules. Aren't you glad you just scrubbed down your garage before you took these pictures. Ha ha - now ladies, it never is real bad anyway- just that she really had a cleaning streak going and this is the result!!!

  6. I'll send you some of our 90-95 degree heat for some of your 60degree temps....that should put us both around the upper 70s. I wish I had more of a green thumb. I did when we first got married and bragged and bragged. I guess I bragged too much because soon nothing was growing.

  7. I am just a little jealous cause I have a total black thumb and horrible allergies that keep me from having a pretty yard. However, I think I am more jealous of your clean garage. You could sleep on that floor. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  8. WOW....everything is gorgeous! I ♥ it all... including the very cool VW!! Ha! :)
    What I wouldn't give to have a yard your size. In ND we used to have big yards, but Vegas, not so much! They are all so teeny, tiny.
    I hope you are having a great weekend :)

  9. Your gardens look beautiful as do those hanging baskets! You know you're not the first person that I've heard has an apple tree growing out of the crabapple. They are both "Malus" but that really shouldn't happen... Who knows..
    Love the VW beetle.. and red is my favorite color! Have a beautiful weekend!

  10. Beautiful! Love the crab trees as well. We have yet to plant any here, we keep getting distracted with other projects.

    It's been chilly up here too. My plants were all inside lastnight as well.

  11. Beautiful garden! I finally got out and pulled the weeds in mine on saturday...felt good. My grandson and I have started watching the birds around here so I pulled out my birdbook and you have captured a photo of.............a brown thrasher. great photo.

  12. Jealous of your CAR!!! =) and your garage!! and your land... so roomy!! *sigh* =) snicker snicker...

    I love lilacs too! and I hear bleeding hearts love shade?? so I might buy one for my front flower bed that gets mostly shade??!! =)

  13. I love lilacs too! We still rent and don't have much of a yard so I don't have anything nice in it. I would love to have a garden but it's all shade here. Blah.

  14. Everything looks so good! It amazes me how different areas of the US are so different weather wise. We are WAY past this stage. Been in the 90s all week. Your crab apple was probably grafted onto an apple tree. Sometimes the grafts will start to grow. We cut them when that happens to ours. We saw this with our cherry tree this year.

  15. Your spring is more ambitious than ours. Lots of wind and rain lately so grass and dandelions are doing great. Your pictures are really nice.

  16. I love all of these pictures! I love seeing pictures of places in other parts of the world. (I live in the red rock desert.)


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...