Friday, March 11, 2011


It's still winter.....

I think we need a bigger sled. 
Jack may look like he's not having fun, but he loved it.

It was a whopping 37 degrees.....time for some sledding.

The girls have been waiting for the snow to go away so they can play on the swingset. 
They decided they couldn't wait any more.


  1. Well...if it makes you feel any better, it's a whopping 38 degrees here this morning...BRRR!

  2. Fun in the snow! We're having sweat in the sun. And have been for over a month now. We really got short changed on winter this year!

  3. Not to rub it in...but it's supposed to be 71 here today :P

    I can't believe how big Jack is. They grow like weeds! My baby will be 10 next month.

  4. God MUST have made y'all with some thick blood. Even when we get the occasional snow here, I stay inside. Andrew is going to be so deprived because the only time he goes out in it is if there is someone else besides me to do it.

  5. Great pictures. Love the colors. What fun memories you're making.

  6. So cute! AND that folks is how you sled without a hill! Adorable video!

  7. Looks like fun! I wouldn't know...we never get much snow here! I'd like to be the one on the sled :)

  8. Your are right, I shouldn't complain about standing in a little cold wind last weekend! Looks like the kiddos are enjoying your winter though.

  9. That looks like so much fun! I really wish I liked snow. It's just too wet and cold for me!

  10. Oh what fun! It reminded me of when we still lived in Chicago and used to take my two oldest sledding. So much fun! They all looked so cute Jules!
    Love Di ♥

  11. They look like they are having so much fun!!

  12. Looks like the kids sure had fun sledding :) Love the video too...that would be so much fun to be pulled around!

  13. Still winter here too, but today is gorgeous and all the snow is finally starting to melt. Cute kiddie all bundled up

  14. They look so cute! I love how they are all color-coordinated for the pictures! Thankfully, our snow is gone and I can see the tulips starting to peek through. But, most years in Illinois we get one last big snow in March or April, so we aren't out of the woods yet!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...