Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Last night we had a huge snowstorm come through here. It started out with some rain and sleet, then turned into all snow with some horrendous winds. Right after I filmed this one of our shutters flew off the house and right past me. I quickly shut the door and retreated back into my warm house.

Then it started thundering and lightning! It was pretty odd to hear the thunder mixed in with all the wind and snow pelting against the windows.

 When I got up this morning some of the windows are totally blocked from all the snow and ice built up on the outside.

 Our winter has been pretty tough. The wind ripped up the tarp on top of the clubhouse.

Brian had to drive home from Chicago last night in the storm. He said it was definitely some of the worst driving conditions he has ever drove in. The truck got stuck right in the middle of the driveway when he got home. 

Oh yeah, see the basketball pole? That blew over in the last storm we had....

Are we done yet?


  1. OH MY. And we're battling the HEAT down here

  2. Yikes Jules...that is some rough stuff! We got word yesterday from our family in North Dakota that they're getting hit really hard too. I hope so badly this is the LAST storm of the season for you guys. Enough is enough! Time for some nice, warm,Spring weather :)
    Stay warm!

  3. Wow...that is CRAZY!!! You sure don't hear about anything like that happening in my neck of the woods!

  4. That was one crazy storm! I think your shutter is in my yard.

  5. Aw man, you have all the fun. We didn't get any snow this round. Haven't had a good snow storm for over a month. Thundersnow sounds cool. Glad your husband made it home okay.

  6. Sounds like March is behaving like a "Lion" in your part of the country! Maybe spring will arrive there soon :)

  7. Sounds like March is behaving like a "Lion" in your part of the country! Maybe spring will arrive there soon :)

  8. Oh, yuck! I love snow, but not in March. I think we're supposed to get some too. Sure is a shock after some warmer FL weather.

  9. I WILL NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT OUR WEATHER ANYMORE! That sounds awful...will it never end?! Hang on :D

  10. I WILL NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT OUR WEATHER ANYMORE! That sounds awful...will it never end?! Hang on :D

  11. Wow, that is some crazy snow. So much for the first day of spring for you guys.

  12. I seriously don't know how you live there. I would eat myself crazy being shut inside all the time and talk about depression...I would have it!

    It was mid-80s here yesterday and while I'm ready for warm weather, I would like to have a spring in there with constant 70 degree days. I hope those 70 degree days find you real soon but I'm sure you would take 50s right now.

  13. I loved my snow days, but that is all I wanted...a few snow days. I think I would go crazy if it was still snowing here. Hate to tell you, it is already 85 here.

    Stay warm and safe.

  14. OMG! That's really scary! It was nearly 60 today so this is the 3rd day I have worn "toeless" shoes to work. I was talking with a co-worker in MN who sent me a pic of SNOW. I guess I thought everyone was feeling that 'spring fever'. Guess NOT! Hang in there....hopefully it will be warm soon.

  15. So dang crazy. I just don't even know what I would do and had no idea it was even possible for it to snow AND thunder simultaneously. Thank you for the science lesson today :) Hope you all stay warm and safe!

  16. Wow Jules you really got it goin' on up there! Hopefully it won't last much longer. And I'm glad that Brian is home with you. I don't know when I'll see my husband again.
    I am wishing you lots of sunshine and dry weather! Love Di ♥

  17. I'm hoping that snow would end up real soon over there.

  18. That is crazy! Girl, I'd die up there and you'd laugh at the way I complain about our winter weather! I am so glad that your husband made it home safely! I am praying it warms up for you soon!

  19. I'm so done with winter too. I thought the last storm we had was rough, but yours was a doozy! Glad everyone is okay and hope it all melts & gets warm for you soon.


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...