Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Obssessed With Toe Jam

What kind of title is that?

A couple months ago I showed Felicity that she gets toe jam when she wears her fuzzy socks. I never knew it was going to be such a big part of her life!

Now she checks for toe jam all the time. If she has socks on, she takes them off. When she has her jammies on she gets mad because she can't get to her toes. And when she does find some....she gets so excited you would think she found a cookie in there!

She can really spread those little things pretty far apart. Looks painful to me.

The other day we were in the car and sure enough.....the shoes and socks were off so she could check!


  1. How funny! You must be an exceptional teacher grandma...she's very sweet! Come say hi :D

  2. My kids were the same way. least it keeps them occupied!

    How did you get the snow to fall? I want to do this to mine.

  3. Hyserical...the title made me chuckle... my oldest 8 was like that when he was her age. I too, told him and showed him Toe jammies and he loved picking out the fuzzies.. ha ha ewww, ha ha! so funny!

  4. How funny. My oldest was the exact same way. The youngest could care less I guess. I remember those days.

  5. Dang it she's cute! My Princess CHEWS her toenails. OMG! I think it's the yuckiest thing ever, but it does make her obsessive about keeping her feet clean. I just keep telling myself if that's the worst thing she does we'll be OK :) Love your cute pix with the post

  6. That title is definitely an attention grabber! I was scanning through my blog roll and when I saw it, I immediately had to check it out!
    That is too funny. Way to go, starting the foot fettish! ha ha!

  7. That is so funny. Who would've known it'd be such an entertaining thing for her?

  8. Kids are so funny. You can never tell what will strike their fancy.

    I like your falling snow or whatever the white spots are.

  9. I used to babysit a little boy that loved to clean out the toe jam. LOL He even would check his baby sisters toes.
    She is adorable. I love her little pig tails.

  10. We had a toe picker too, won't mention her name though.

  11. So cute. The way they bend their limbs and their toes apart just makes my bones hurt! How totally sweet. Great scrapbook page!

  12. I love how your pics have snow!!

    So fun ;)

    Toe jam...cuteness!!!!!

  13. OMG - that is too funny! What an adorable girl!

  14. Oh that is too funny!! My middle child is obsessed with toe jam!! Hilarious! BTW, you do not look old enough to have a grandchild!!

  15. that is soooo funny!

    My neice does the same thing except she calls it "Toey"

    Weird kids!!!!

  16. OMG! That's the best. Our daughter was the same way. She's 21 now but don't think we don't reminder her often, lol!

  17. That is just too cute!

  18. Ha! I have a little one obsessed with toe jam also. Not only does she inspect her own, but everone elses in the house. All i can do is laugh.

    cute blog by the way! :)

  19. Ha! I have a little one obsessed with toe jam also. Not only does she inspect her own, but everone elses in the house. All i can do is laugh.

    cute blog by the way! :)


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