Friday, December 11, 2009

Flashback Friday

Since it is so close to Christmas I thought this was a perfect picture for my Flashback Friday. I remember getting this doll for Christmas. Her name was "Tubsy Wubsy" What kind of a name is that? I thought she was so cool. She moved her arms and head.

I love our slippers we had on. I don't know for sure, but I bet our Grandma made those for us.


  1. Nice flashback picture.

    I had the rub a dub dub doll....loved her for the bathtub!

  2. Hi There, your my newest blog follower so I thought I'd pop in and say HI. I am so happy I did because I love your little corner of the web and when I have a bit more time I can't wait to look around.

    I am on the hunt for an easy pattern for slippers like in your picture.

    By the way you look totally too young to be a Grandmother but your Kids are GORGEOUS!!!

  3. I love old pictures. I love how they take you back to another time and place...kind of like songs.

    Anyway, fun pic!

    And Yay that Felicity is 6 days w/out a potty accident. Wow I need to get a move on with my little guy.

    The blizzard pics are awesome :))

  4. What a cute picture. That doll is adorable. I have many pairs of slippers that my grandma made for me. those are the best.

  5. Tubsy Wubsy. I remember her. And there was also Betsy Wetsy. Sometimes you wonder about marketing people, don't you? Cute post today!

  6. You are correct, Grandma did knit the slippers, and maybe made the new flannel pajamas too. Do you see mittens laying around? That was another one of her favorite Christmas gifts. When you girls were little, she knit strings on them so you wouldn't lose them!!Remember??

  7. Lovely blog. Your family is absolutely beautiful. Drop by and visit me sometime.

  8. You were so cute..still are..does anyone still make those kind of slippers? They were so fun to have! :D

  9. Great picture! I think I had some slippers similar to those that someone made.


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 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...