Monday, December 7, 2009

Here Comes the Snow

I know these pictures don't have anything to do with snow, but I had to share them anyway. They are some of my favorites from her Christmas shoot Tracy did.

And for the title of this post.....We are in a Winter Storm Watch for tomorrow afternoon and into Wednesday. They are calling for 6 - 10 inches for some parts of Wisconsin. Time for me to get my den ready for 4 months of hibernation.

Too bad I can't make the snow falling on my blog turn into a blizzard tomorrow....


  1. That is just awesome! She is such a cutie pie... and I wish we had 6-10 inches of snow!! We get mostly rain and some sun. Just doesn't feel like Christmas with out snow!!

  2. These pictures of your cutie are so very pretty...she looks like such a little princess! Love the polka dots and the curls! Come say hi :D

  3. The pictures are precious! I would LOVE to hibernate all winter. I can NOT get warm and I'm pretty sure this Texas "cold" is nothing like yours!

  4. Cute, cute pictures!

    We are in that winter storm watch,too! They are already talking about schools possibly being closed tomorrow!

  5. She is such a little doll! Sure wish we'd get some of that white stuff here in the Deep South!

  6. so so cute and I agree with April Georgia could use some snow :D

  7. Cute photos! I'm trying to ignore the nearly 2 feet of snow outside my house right now.

  8. She is adorable and I love the little dress. Polka dots are my fave.

  9. Cute pictures. Love all those curls. We're supposed to get dumped on tomorrow too. Ready or not, winter is upon us.

  10. She looks precious - I can see why they're your favorites. No snow here - I wouldn't last ten minutes!!

  11. Totally adorable. Love that dress. And I just realized you are GRANDPARENTS!!!! WHAT? Did you have kids when you were like six years old? And isn't that physically impossible? You do not look anywhere even in the realm of old enough.

  12. HI Jules~

    She is little blode ringlet doll! love polka dots, and the black and white photo is great.

    As for my large pics. Try going to settings' basic' scroll down and click updated editor. Then your pic. selecions offer x-large.... I found it works best on stretch two column templates... good luck, hope this helped!

  13. What a sweet family you have!! If you want some snow, you can take some of mine. Don't get me wrong, I like snow...but there is a bit too much here for my taste!!
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  14. I am so excited about the snow! Live in the midwest too, yeah! I was starting to worry we would have a brown Christmas...the pictures are adorable!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. She is adorable! Those pictures are wonderful! I'm not a big snow fan so I'm thankful we don't get a lot here. Stay warm!


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